首页> 外文期刊>ACS Synthetic Biology >Design of Experiments Methodology to Build a Multifactorial Statistical Model Describing the Metabolic Interactions of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isozymes in the Ethanol Biosynthetic Pathway of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Design of Experiments Methodology to Build a Multifactorial Statistical Model Describing the Metabolic Interactions of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isozymes in the Ethanol Biosynthetic Pathway of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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Multifactorial approaches can quickly and efficiently model complex, interacting natural or engineered biological systems in a way that traditional one factor-at-a-time experimentation can fail to do. We applied a Design of Experiments (DOE) approach to model ethanol biosynthesis in yeast, which is well-understood and genetically tractable, yet complex. Six alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isozymes catalyze ethanol synthesis, differing in their transcriptional and post-translational regulation, subcellular localization, and enzyme kinetics. We generated a combinatorial library of all ADH gene deletions and measured the impact of gene deletion(s) and environmental context on ethanol production of a subset of this library. The data were used to build a statistical model that described known behaviors of ADH isozymes and identified novel interactions. Importantly, the model described features of ADH metabolic behavior without explicit a priori knowledge. The method is therefore highly suited to understanding and optimizing metabolic pathways in less well-understood systems.
机译:多学会方法可以快速有效地建模复杂,以传统的一个因素 - 一次实验无法做到的方式相互作用。我们应用了一项实验(DOE)方法来模拟酵母中的乙醇生物合成,这是良好的理解和遗传造成的。六醇脱氢酶(ADH)同工酶催化乙醇合成,在转录和翻译后调节,亚细胞定位和酶动力学中不同的不同。我们生成了所有ADH基因缺失的组合库,并测量了基因缺失的影响和环境背景对该图书馆子集的乙醇生产。数据用于构建统计模型,其描述了已知的ADH同工酶的行为并确定了新的相互作用。重要的是,模型描述了ADH代谢行为的特征,而不明确先验的知识。因此,该方法非常适合于理解和优化较不太理解的系统中的代谢途径。



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