
To tamponade or not to tamponade?


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We read with great interest your series on the use of Bakri balloon tamponade for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and commend you for encouraging the use of this simple technique (1). We would like to share our data on 43 cases of massive PPH (>2000 mL) in which balloon tamponade was attempted between 2007 and 2012 at an inner city London hospital. In our own series of 43 women, Bakri balloon tamponade succeeded in abating hemorrhage in 93% of cases, obviating the need for hysterectomy. Of these, 14 women (32.6%) required an additional procedure, i.e. the combined "uterine sandwich" technique which is usually performed when tamponade alone fails to control bleeding (2); of these, two cases proceeded to hysterectomy (14.3%). Interestingly, 81.4% of our cases occurred following cesarean section and balloons were introduced via the abdominal route. Mean estimated blood loss for these 43 cases was 3400 mL and mean duration of the balloons remaining in situ was 22 h. The standard procedure at our institution is for inflation of the balloon with 350 mL saline.
机译:我们非常感兴趣地阅读您的系列文章,介绍如何使用Bakri球囊填塞器治疗产后出血(PPH),并赞扬您鼓励使用这种简单的技术(1)。我们想分享我们在2007年至2012年之间在伦敦市中心的一家医院尝试过球囊填塞的43例大型PPH(> 2000 mL)病例的数据。在我们自己的43名妇女系列中,Bakri球囊填塞成功减轻了93%的出血,从而无需进行子宫切除术。其中,有14名妇女(32.6%)需要额外的程序,即联合的“子宫夹层”技术,通常在仅用填塞剂无法控制出血的情况下进行(2);其中,有2例行子宫切除术(14.3%)。有趣的是,我们的病例中有81.4%发生在剖宫产之后,并通过腹部途径引入了球囊。这43例患者的平均估计失血量为3400 mL,留在原位的球囊的平均持续时间为22 h。我们机构的标准程序是用350 mL盐水使球囊充气。



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