首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, D. Applied Physics: A Europhysics Journal >Consequences of atomic layer etching on wafer scale uniformity in inductively coupled plasmas

Consequences of atomic layer etching on wafer scale uniformity in inductively coupled plasmas


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Atomic layer etching (ALE) typically divides the etching process into two self-limited reactions. One reaction passivates a single layer of material while the second preferentially removes the passivated layer. As such, under ideal conditions the wafer scale uniformity of ALE should be independent of the uniformity of the reactant fluxes onto the wafers, provided all surface reactions are saturated. The passivation and etch steps should individually asymptotically saturate after a characteristic fluence of reactants has been delivered to each site. In this paper, results from a computational investigation are discussed regarding the uniformity of ALE of Si in Cl-2 containing inductively coupled plasmas when the reactant fluxes are both non-uniform and non-ideal. In the parameter space investigated for inductively coupled plasmas, the local etch rate for continuous processing was proportional to the ion flux. When operated with saturated conditions (that is, both ALE steps are allowed to self-terminate), the ALE process is less sensitive to non-uniformities in the incoming ion flux than continuous etching. Operating ALE in a sub-saturation regime resulted in less uniform etching. It was also found that ALE processing with saturated steps requires a larger total ion fluence than continuous etching to achieve the same etch depth. This condition may result in increased resist erosion and/or damage to stopping layers using ALE. While these results demonstrate that ALE provides increased etch depth uniformity, they do not show an improved critical dimension uniformity in all cases. These possible limitations to ALE processing, as well as increased processing time, will be part of the process optimization that includes the benefits of atomic resolution and improved uniformity.
机译:原子层蚀刻(ALE)典型地将所述蚀刻过程分为两个自限性反应。一个反应钝化材料的单层,而第二优先去除钝化层。这样,在理想条件下ALE的晶片尺度均匀性应该是独立的反应物通量的均匀性到晶片,所提供的所有的表面反应是饱和的。后的反应物的特征能量密度已交付给每个站点的钝化和蚀刻步骤应该单独渐近饱和。在本文中,从计算的调查结果有关的Si ALE在CL-2含有感应耦合等离子体当反应物通量均为不均匀的和非理想的均​​匀性进行讨论。在研究用于电感耦合等离子体参数空间,用于连续处理本地蚀刻速率是成比例的离子通量。当用饱和的条件下操作(即,既ALE步骤允许自终止),则ALE过程是在比连续蚀刻进入的离子通量的不均匀性不敏感。在亚饱和状态工作ALE导致欠均匀腐蚀。还发现,与饱和的步骤ALE处理需要比连续蚀刻更大的总离子通量以达到相同的蚀刻深度。这种情况可能会导致增加的抵抗侵蚀和/或使用ALE停止层的损害。虽然这些结果表明,ALE提供了增强的蚀刻深度均匀性,他们不显示在所有情况下改进的临界尺寸均匀性。到ALE处理,以及增加的处理时间这些可能的限制,将其包括原子级的分辨率和改善的均匀性的优点的过程优化的一部分。



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