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Adult stem cell treatment of scleroderma.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Provides an update of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for systemic sclerosis from phase I/II studies and prospective randomized phase III trials, and introduces the concept of mesenchymal stem cells as potential therapy for autoimmune disease. RECENT FINDINGS: Around 170 transplanted systemic sclerosis patients are registered in Europe. Most received autologous, peripheral blood derived hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Treatment-related mortality has fallen to 2.5% in the controlled trials compared with 12.5% in the first report in 2002. Over one-third of patients have experienced sustained remission. Two prospective randomized phase III studies are active: the Autologous Stem cell Transplantation International Scleroderma (ASTIS) trial in Europe and the Scleroderma Cyclophosphamide Or Transplant (SCOT) trial in the USA. Both have similar selection criteria, endpoint and control arms, but the SCOT trial uses radiation and less cyclophosphamide. So far, no unexpected toxicity has occurred. Reports produced in the past 12 months show reduction of skin collagen and reversal of microvascular remodelling, years after transplant. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells from systemic sclerosis patients show in-vitro immunomodulatory properties equal to healthy controls. SUMMARY: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is currently being tested in prospective randomized controlled trials and appears to 'reset' autoimmunity in systemic sclerosis. Mesenchymal stem cells may have an immunomodulatory role in autoimmune disease.
机译:审查目的:提供I / II期研究和前瞻性随机III期试验的系统性硬化用造血干细胞移植的最新进展,并介绍间充质干细胞作为自身免疫疾病潜在疗法的概念。最近的发现:在欧洲,大约有170名移植的系统性硬化症患者得到了登记。大多数接受自体外周血来源的造血干细胞移植。在对照试验中,与治疗有关的死亡率已下降至2.5%,而在2002年的第一份报告中为12.5%。超过三分之一的患者经历了持续缓解。目前正在进行两项前瞻性随机III期研究:欧洲自体干细胞移植国际硬皮病(ASTIS)试验和美国硬皮病环磷酰胺或移植(SCOT)试验。两者的选择标准,终点和控制臂均相似,但SCOT试验使用的是放射线和较少的环磷酰胺。到目前为止,还没有发生意外的毒性。过去12个月的报告显示,移植后数年,皮肤胶原蛋白减少,微血管重塑逆转。系统性硬化症患者的骨髓间充质干细胞显示出与健康对照相同的体外免疫调节特性。简介:造血干细胞移植目前正在前瞻性随机对照试验中进行测试,似乎可以“复位”全身性硬化症的自身免疫。间充质干细胞在自身免疫性疾病中可能具有免疫调节作用。



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