首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Physical and Sensory Properties of All-Barley and All-Oat Breads with Additional Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) β-Glucan

Physical and Sensory Properties of All-Barley and All-Oat Breads with Additional Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) β-Glucan


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Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) is a substituted cellulose that reduces serum cholesterol at modest intake levels. HPMC has also been used for decades in gluten-free breads at a level to optimize loaf volume. Because consumers resist the consumption of whole wheat breads, the sensory and physical properties of all oat and barley breads incorporating HPMC were evaluated. Oat and barley also contain β-glucan, a glucose polymer similar to HPMC that also lowers cholesterol. The textural and sensory properties of the breads were determined by instrumental and chemical methods and sensory panels. HPMC increased the loaf volume of the breads by up to 2 times and decreased hardness immediately after baking and after up to 3 days of storage. Barley bread with HPMC was rated the highest in overall acceptability by sensory panelists compared to oat and wheat breads with or without HPMC.
机译:羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)是一种取代纤维素,可在适度的摄入水平下降低血清胆固醇。 HPMC在无麸质面包中的使用已达到数十年,其用量可优化面包体积。由于消费者抵制全麦面包的消费,因此评估了所有加入HPMC的燕麦和大麦面包的感官和物理特性。燕麦和大麦还含有β-葡聚糖,这是一种类似于HPMC的葡萄糖聚合物,它还可以降低胆固醇。面包的质地和感官特性通过仪器和化学方法以及感官面板来确定。 HPMC将面包的面包体积增加了2倍,并在烘烤后和储存3天后立即降低了硬度。与使用或不使用HPMC的燕麦和小麦面包相比,使用HPMC的大麦面包在感官评价上的总体可接受性最高。



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