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Food industry and health: mostly promises, little action.


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Food-policy analysts at City University, London, UK, recently fired off another salvo in the food wars with an exhaustive-and depressing-report on what food companies are doing to address obesity, improvethe nutritional quality of their products, and market products more responsibly. Not much, write Tim Lang and colleagues. According to them, giant food corporations publicly state that they bear some responsibility for health (table), but most do not seem to meet this responsibility. The majority of food companies, the report concludes, "are notyet fully engaged with the seriousness and urgency" of today's health challenges. Indeed, "in failing fully to respond... companies appear to be distancing themselves from their responsibility for unhealthy consumer choices."1Lang and colleagues arrived at this dismal conclusion by scrutiny of statements about diet, physical activity, and prevention of obesity that appear in publicly availablereports and websites produced by the world's 25 largest (by sales) food corporations-ten manufacturing, ten retailing, and five food service-ranging in annual sales from USdollar11 billion (Burger King) to dollar256 billion (Wal-Mart). The report tabulates these companies' positions on 28 questions, among them: "Is there a policy specifically focused on children and food marketing?"; "Is there a commitment on sugar?"; "Is there a commitment on portion size?"; and "Is there a specific policy on nutrition claims?" The answers to these and the rest, alas, are mostly "No".
机译:英国伦敦城市大学的食品政策分析师最近在食品大战中掀起了另一波热潮,其详尽而令人沮丧的报告涉及食品公司为解决肥胖,提高产品营养质量和销售产品所做的工作。负责任地。 Tim Lang和同事们写的不多。根据他们的说法,大型食品公司公开声明他们对健康负有一定的责任(餐桌),但大多数似乎不履行这一责任。报告总结说,大多数食品公司“尚未充分应对当今健康挑战的严重性和紧迫性”。的确,“在未能完全做出回应的情况下……各公司似乎正在摆脱对不健康消费者选择的责任。” 1Lang及其同事通过仔细审查有关饮食,身体活动和预防肥胖的陈述得出了这一令人沮丧的结论。在全球25个最大的(按销售额计算)食品公司(十个制造,十个零售和五个食品服务公司)制作的公开报告和网站上,其年销售额从110亿美元(汉堡王)到2560亿美元(沃尔玛)。该报告列出了这些公司在28个问题上的立场,其中包括:“是否有专门针对儿童和食品营销的政策?”; “糖方面有承诺吗?”; “对份量有承诺吗?”;和“是否有关于营养声称的具体政策?”遗憾的是,这些问题和其他问题的答案大多是“否”。



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