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Multiconfigurational self-consistent field and multireference internally contracted configuration interaction studies on the excited states of weakly bonded NO2 dimer (N2O4)


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In this paper, the vertical excitation energies of total of 32 states of N2O4 including the lowest two singlet states and two triplet states of each of the A(g), B-3u, B-2u, B-1g, B-1u, B-2g, B-3g, and A(u) symmetries were calculated at multiconfigurational self-consistent field (MCSCF) and the multireference internally contracted configuration interaction (MRCI) levels of theory on the active space (15o,16e) with aug-cc-pVDZ basis set. The potential energy curves of the eight singlet states(1 (1)A(g), 1 B-1(3u), 1 B-1(2u), 1 B-1(1g), 1 B-1(1u), 1 B-1(2g), 1 B-1(3g), and 1 (1)A(u)) and eight triplet states (1 (3)A(g), 1 B-3(3u), 1 B-3(2u), 1 B-3(1g), 1 B-3(1u), 1 B-3(2g), 1 B-3(3g), and 1 (3)A(u)) were calculated at MCSCF and MRCI levels of theory on the active space (15o,16e) with aug-cc-pVDZ basis set along the N-N distance. The vertical excitation energies of 1 B-1(3u), 1 B-1(2u), and 1 B-1(1u) states with nonzero transition moment are 4.60 eV (269.6 nm), 6.06 eV (204.6 nm), and 7.71 eV (160.8 nm), respectively, at MRCI level of theory. The photodissociation asymptotics were assigned as NO2(X (2)A(1))+NO2(X (2)A(1)) for ground state 1 (1)A(g) and the 1 B-3(1u) state, NO2(X (2)A(1))+NO2(1 (2)A(2)) for the 1 B-1(1g), 1 B-3(1g), 1 (1)A(u), and 1 (3)A(u) states, NO2(X (2)A(1))+NO2(1 B-2(1)) for the 1 B-1(3u), 1 B-3(3u), 1 B-1(2g), and 1 B-3(2g) states, and NO2(X (2)A(1))+NO2(1 B-2(2)) for the 1 B-1(2u), 1 B-3(2u), 1 B-1(3g), and 1 B-3(3g) states. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
机译:在本文中,总共32种N2O4的垂直激发能,包括A(g),B-3u,B-2u,B-1g,B-1u,A(g)的最低两个单重态和两个三重态。 B-2g,B-3g和A(u)的对称性是在多构型自洽场(MCSCF)和活动空间(15o,16e)的多参考内部收缩构型相互作用(MRCI)的理论水平下计算出来的,其中aug cc-pVDZ基础集。八个单重态的势能曲线(1(1)A(g),1 B-1(3u),1 B-1(2u),1 B-1(1g),1 B-1(1u) ,1 B-1(2g),1 B-1(3g)和1(1)A(u))和八重态(1(3)A(g),1 B-3(3u),1 B-3(2u),1 B-3(1g),1 B-3(1u),1 B-3(2g),1 B-3(3g)和1(3)A(u))在沿活动距离(15o,16e)的理论空间的MCSCF和MRCI理论水平上计算,并沿NN距离设置了aug-cc-pVDZ。非零跃迁矩的1 B-1(3u),1 B-1(2u)和1 B-1(1u)态的垂直激发能分别为4.60 eV(269.6 nm),6.06 eV(204.6 nm)和在MRCI理论水平下分别为7.71 eV(160.8 nm)。对于基态1(1)A(g)和1 B-3(1u)状态,将光解离渐近性指定为NO2(X(2)A(1))+ NO2(X(2)A(1)) ,1 B-1(1g),1 B-3(1g),1(1)A(u)的NO2(X(2)A(1))+ NO2(1(2)A(2)) ,以及1(3)A(u)状态,对于1 B-1(3u),1 B-3(3u),NO2(X(2)A(1))+ NO2(1 B-2(1)) ),1 B-1(2g)和1 B-3(2g)状态,以及1 B-1(NO 2(X(2)A(1))+ NO2(1 B-2(2)) 2u),1 B-3(2u),1 B-1(3g)和1 B-3(3g)状态。 (c)2007年美国物理研究所。



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