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Making a Difference: A Tribute to E. Paul Torrance From the United Kingdom

机译:有所作为:向英国E. Paul Torrance致敬

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This article pays tribute to the life and work of Ellis Paul Torrance as an individual, psychologist, and educator. It is written from the perspective of a UK psychologist, teacher, and academic, and it traces sequentially the impact of Torrance's work on the author's research and teaching in the United Kingdom. This includes a large-scale investigation into the views of 1,028 UK teachers and lecturers on creativity, teaching, and learning (Fryer, 1989, 1996; Fryer & Colling s 1991a, 1991b); the development of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in applied creativity; and the establishment of a registered charity, The Creativity Centre Educational Trust, of which Torrance was the first honorary member. This article does not attempt to chart Torrance's many achievements (there are others who can do this better). Instead, the emphasis is on his personal qualities, his skill as a psychologist and an educator, and his influence on the author's own work in this field. Attention is drawn to an observation he made shortly before his death about performance on tests of creativity and intelligence and their relation to academic achievement. Torrance's landmark contribution to the understanding and practice of creative education is highlighted, and it is argued that his work is not only relevant to those identified as highly creative but also to education as a whole.
机译:本文向Ellis Paul Torrance作为个人,心理学家和教育家的生活和工作致敬。它是从英国心理学家,老师和学者的角度撰写的,并且顺序地追溯了托伦斯的工作对作者在英国的研究和教学的影响。这包括对1,028名英国教师和讲师关于创造力,教学和学习的观点进行的大规模调查(Fryer,1989,1996; Fryer&Colling,1991a,1991b)。开发应用创造力的本科和研究生课程;并成立了一个注册的慈善机构,即“创造力中心教育基金会”,托伦斯是该基金会的第一位荣誉会员。本文并非试图绘制托伦斯的许多成就(有些人可以做得更好)。相反,重点在于他的个人素质,作为心理学家和教育者的技能以及对作者在该领域工作的影响。请注意他在临终前不久就创造力和智力测试及其与学业成绩的关系所作的一项观察。托伦斯对创造性教育的理解和实践做出了具有里程碑意义的贡献,并认为他的作品不仅与那些被认为具有高度创造力的人有关,而且与整个教育有关。



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