首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >The ethics of a proposed study of hematopoietic stem cell transplant for children with 'less severe' sickle cell disease

The ethics of a proposed study of hematopoietic stem cell transplant for children with 'less severe' sickle cell disease


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Hematopoietic stemcell transplant (HSCT) is theonly cure for sickle cell disease (SCD). HSCT using an HLA-identical sibling donor is currently an acceptable treatment option for children with severe SCD, with expected HSCT survival 95% and eventfree survival 85%. HSCT for children with less severe SCD (children who have not yet suffered overt disease complications or only had mild problems) is controversial. It is important to consider the ethical issues of a proposed study comparing HLA-identical sibling HSCT to best supportive care for children with less severe SCD. In evaluating the principles of nonmaleficence, respect for individual autonomy, and justice, we conclude that a study of HLA-identical sibling HSCT for all children with SCD, particularly hemoglobin SS and Sβ0-thalassemia disease, is ethically sound. Future work should explore the implementation of a large trial to help determine whether HSCT is a beneficial treatment of children with less severe SCD.
机译:造血干细胞移植(HSCT)是治疗镰状细胞病(SCD)的唯一方法。目前,对于重度SCD患儿,使用HLA同胞供体的HSCT是可接受的治疗选择,其预期HSCT存活率> 95%,无事件存活率> 85%。 SCD较轻的儿童(尚未经历明显疾病并发症或仅有轻度问题的儿童)的HSCT引起争议。重要的是要考虑一项拟议研究的伦理问题,该研究将HLA相同的同胞HSCT与SCD较轻的儿童的最佳支持治疗进行比较。在评估非恶意行为的原则,尊重个人自主权和正义的原则时,我们得出结论,从伦理上讲,对所有患有SCD的儿童,尤其是血红蛋白SS和Sβ0地中海贫血疾病的HLA同胞HSCT进行的研究是合理的。未来的工作应探索大型试验的实施,以帮助确定HSCT是否对SCD较轻的儿童有益。



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