首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Surgical Oncology >Advantage of pancreaticogastrostomy in detecting recurrent intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma in the remnant pancreas: a case of successful re-resection after pancreaticoduodenectomy.

Advantage of pancreaticogastrostomy in detecting recurrent intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma in the remnant pancreas: a case of successful re-resection after pancreaticoduodenectomy.


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Recently there has been an increase in the number of case reports detailing the recurrence of cancer in the pancreatic remnants following surgical resection of intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma (IPMC) of the pancreas. A case is presented here to indicate the advantage of pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) in terms of postoperative follow-up after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for IPMC. A 68-year-old man underwent PD for IPMC of the pancreatic head, and the cut margin of the pancreatic duct was diagnosed as having no cancer but moderately dysplastic epithelium by an intraoperative frozen section of histology. Thus, we decided to proceed with a PG rather than pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) in order to facilitate easier postoperative examinations. Eight years and 6 months later, during a routine follow-up examination, duct dilation of the remnant pancreas was detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Upon examination by endoscopic gastroscopy, the anastomotic site was found to be covered with a large amount of mucin from which we easily obtained both cytologic and biopsied specimens, which subsequently proved positive for cancer. In line with our diagnosis of recurrent IPMC, the patient underwent a second surgery (resection of the remnant pancreas, total pancreatectomy) and postoperative histology confirmed that indeed the patient had experienced recurrent IPMC with no nodal involvement or invasion beyond the pancreatic confines. Based on this experience, we decided to recommend PG for all patients deemed to be at high risk for the recurrence of cancer in the pancreatic remnants following PD for IPMC of the pancreatic head.
机译:最近,详细报道了胰腺导管内乳头状粘液性癌(IPMC)手术切除后胰腺残余物中癌症复发的病例报告数量有所增加。在此提出一个病例,以表明在IPMC胰十二指肠切除术(PD)术后进行胰腺胃造瘘术(PG)的优势。一名68岁的男性接受了胰头IPMC的PD手术,通过术中冰冻切片检查,诊断为胰管切缘无癌,但中度上皮异常增生。因此,我们决定采用PG而非胰空肠吻合术(PJ)进行手术,以简化术后检查。 8年零6个月后,在常规的随访检查中,通过磁共振成像(MRI)检测了残余胰腺的导管扩张。经内窥镜胃镜检查后,发现吻合部位被大量粘蛋白覆盖,我们很容易从中获得细胞学和活检标本,随后证明它们对癌症呈阳性。根据我们对IPMC复发的诊断,该患者进行了第二次手术(切除残余胰腺,行全胰腺切除术),术后组织学证实,该患者确实经历了IPMC的复发,没有结节累及或侵犯胰腺。基于这一经验,我们决定为所有被认为在胰头IPMC发生PD后继发于胰腺残余癌高发风险的患者推荐PG。



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