首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Degraded myelin-associated glycoprotein (dMAG) formation from pure human brain myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is not mediated by calpain or cathepsin L-like activities.

Degraded myelin-associated glycoprotein (dMAG) formation from pure human brain myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is not mediated by calpain or cathepsin L-like activities.


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The myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is a transmembrane cell adhesion molecule participating in myelin formation and maintenance. Calcium-activated/-dependent proteolysis of myelin-associated glycoprotein by calpain and cathepsin L-like activities has already been detected in purified myelin fractions, producing a soluble fragment, called degraded (d)MAG, characterized by the loss of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Here, we demonstrate and analyze dMAG formation from pure human brain myelin-associated glycoprotein. The activity never exhibited the high rate previously reported in human myelin fractions. Degradation is time-, temperature-, buffer- and structure-dependent, is inhibited at 4 degrees C and by denaturation of the sample, and is mediated by a trans-acting factor. There is no strict pH dependency of the proteolysis. Degradation was inhibited by excess aprotinin, but not by 1-10 micro g/mL aprotinin and was not eliminated by the use of an aprotinin-sepharose matrix during the purification. dMAG formation was not enhanced by calcium, nor inhibited by a wide variety of protease inhibitors, including specific calpain and cathepsin L inhibitors. Therefore, while cysteine proteases may be present in human myelin membrane fractions, they are not involved in dMAG formation from highly purified human brain myelin-associated glycoprotein preparations.
机译:髓磷脂相关糖蛋白(MAG)是一种跨膜细胞粘附分子,参与髓磷脂的形成和维持。已经在纯化的髓磷脂级分中检测到钙蛋白酶和组织蛋白酶L样活性对钙蛋白酶激活/依赖性的髓磷脂相关糖蛋白的蛋白水解作用,产生可降解的片段,称为降解(d)MAG,其特征是跨膜和细胞质的丧失域。在这里,我们演示和分析纯人脑髓磷脂相关糖蛋白的dMAG形成。该活性从未表现出先前在人髓磷脂级分中报道的高比率。降解与时间,温度,缓冲液和结构有关,在4摄氏度和样品变性时会受到抑制,并由反式作用因子介导。蛋白水解没有严格的pH依赖性。降解被过量的抑肽酶抑制,但未被1-10 micro g / mL的抑肽酶抑制,并且在纯化过程中没有通过使用抑肽酶-琼脂糖基质消除降解。钙不增强dMAG的形成,也不被多种蛋白酶抑制剂(包括特定的钙蛋白酶和组织蛋白酶L抑制剂)抑制。因此,尽管半胱氨酸蛋白酶可能存在于人髓磷脂膜级分中,但它们不参与由高度纯化的人脑髓磷脂相关糖蛋白制品中的dMAG形成。



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