首页> 外文期刊>Journal of near infrared spectroscopy >Near infrared spectroscopy for the control of osmo-air dehydrated apple rings

Near infrared spectroscopy for the control of osmo-air dehydrated apple rings


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The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy both in quantifying the residual water content of osmo-air dehydrated apple rings and in differentiating them on the basis of the sugar solution used in the osmotic pretreatment so identifying the osmotic syrup used. In order to achieve this, a set of products obtained by different processing conditions was created. Apple rings were dipped for different lengths of time (30, 60 and 90 min) in three different sugar solutions at the same water activity (aw=0.90): sucrose (59% wt/wt), maltose (62% wt/wt) and a mixture (53% wt/wt) of fructose, glucose and sucrose having the same composition as apple. Air drying was then performed at different temperatures (70°, 80°, 90℃) and the obtained osmo-air dehydrated apple rings were packed in polypropylene film under vacuum in order to avoid water absorption phenomena. NIR spectra, in the range 10,000-4000cm{sup}(-1), were recorded directly on packed apple rings using a FT-NIR spectrometer equipped with fiber optic probe. In calibrating the residual water content the coefficient of determination [R{sup}2] was 0.93, the RPD value was 3.33 and RER value was 13.79, which could be considered, for our purposes, suitable for controlling the dehydration process. Moreover, applying a classification statistic method on NIR data, such as PLS discrimination analysis, it was also possible to identify correctly which sugar solution was used in the osmotic pre-treatment independently of the conditions used. Two-dimensional correlation analysis was also carried out, in order to investigate how the ratios between the main constituents, sugars and water, involved in the osmo-air dehydration varied as a function of the process variable used.
机译:这项工作的目的是研究近红外(NIR)光谱在量化渗透空气脱水的苹果环中残留水含量以及根据渗透预处理中使用的糖溶液进行区分方面的可行性,从而确定使用了渗透性糖浆。为了实现这一目标,创建了一组通过不同加工条件获得的产品。将苹果环在相同的水分活度(aw = 0.90)下浸入三种不同的糖溶液中不同的时间长度(30、60和90分钟):蔗糖(59%wt / wt),麦芽糖(62%wt / wt)果糖,葡萄糖和蔗糖的混合物(53%wt / wt)具有与苹果相同的成分。然后在不同温度(70°,80°,90℃)下进行空气干燥,并将获得的渗透空气脱水的苹果环在真空下包装在聚丙烯薄膜中,以避免吸水现象。使用装有光纤探头的FT-NIR光谱仪,直接在包装好的苹果环上记录10,000-4000cm {sup}(-1)范围内的NIR光谱。在校准残留水含量时,测定系数[R {sup} 2]为0.93,RPD值为3.33,RER值为13.79,就我们的目的而言,可以认为这适合控制脱水过程。此外,对NIR数据应用分类统计方法(例如PLS判别分析),还可以独立于所使用的条件正确地识别在渗透预处理中使用了哪种糖溶液。为了研究渗透空气脱水中主要成分糖和水之间的比率如何随所使用的过程变量而变化,还进行了二维相关分析。



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