首页> 外文期刊>Clinical oncology >Worst, average or current pain in the Brief Pain Inventory: which should be used to calculate the response to palliative radiotherapy in patients with bone metastases?

Worst, average or current pain in the Brief Pain Inventory: which should be used to calculate the response to palliative radiotherapy in patients with bone metastases?


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AIMS: To determine which pain intensity scale in the Brief Pain Inventory correlates best with functional interference and should be used to calculate the response to palliative radiotherapy. To determine the differences in functional interference scores for patients classified as responders and non-responders to palliative radiotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients referred to the Rapid Response Radiotherapy Program for palliative radiotherapy of symptomatic bone metastases were considered for the study. Patients rated the intensity and functional interference of their pain at the irradiated sites according to the Brief Pain Inventory before and 2 months after radiotherapy. Worst, average and current pain scores were correlated with functional interference scores using Spearman rank coefficients. Responders and non-responders to palliative radiotherapy were defined for each pain intensity scale according to the end points specified by the International Bone Metastases Consensus Working Party. Average differences between responders and non-responders were compared using a Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS: Between May 2003 and June 2005, 199 patients enrolled in the study (102 men and 97 women). Ninety-five patients returned complete questionnaires at 2 months of follow-up. All pain intensity and interference scores for evaluable patients were significantly lower at 2 months (P<0.0021). Response rates differed depending on the definition of pain intensity. An overall response rate was observed in 66, 58 and 54% of patients for worst, average and current pain, respectively. Worst pain showed the best correlation with functional interference. Responders reported significantly larger decreases in functional interference scores at follow-up in general activity, normal work, enjoyment of life and average functional interference. CONCLUSION: Worst pain intensity had higher correlations with all functional interference scores except relationships with others. Therefore, we recommend an 11-point scale measuring worst pain to evaluate response rates in future radiotherapy trials. The mean difference from baseline to follow-up in functional interference scores was significantly larger in patients who responded to radiotherapy treatment.
机译:目的:确定简短疼痛量表中哪种疼痛强度量表与功能性干扰最相关,应用于计算对姑息放疗的反应。确定归类为姑息放疗反应者和非反应者的功能性干扰评分的差异。患者和方法:所有考虑到有症状骨转移的姑息放疗而转诊至快速反应放疗计划的患者均纳入研究范围。根据放疗前和放疗后2个月的简短疼痛清单,患者对照射部位疼痛的强度和功能干扰进行了评估。使用Spearman等级系数,最差,平均和当前的疼痛评分与功能性干扰评分相关。根据国际骨转移共识工作组指定的终点,为每种疼痛强度量表定义了姑息放疗的反应者和非反应者。使用Wilcoxon秩和检验比较应答者和未应答者之间的平均差异。结果:在2003年5月至2005年6月之间,有199名患者参加了研究(102名男性和97名女性)。在随访的2个月中,有95名患者返回了完整的问卷。可评估患者的所有疼痛强度和干扰评分在2个月时均显着降低(P <0.0021)。反应率因疼痛强度的定义而异。分别在66%,58%和54%的患者中观察到最严重,平均和当前疼痛的总体缓解率。最严重的疼痛表现出与功能干扰的最佳关联。响应者报告,在一般活动,正常工作,生活享受和平均功能性干扰方面,随访时功能性干扰评分的下降幅度更大。结论:除与其他人的关系外,最差的疼痛强度与所有功能性干扰评分均具有较高的相关性。因此,我们建议使用11点量表来测量最严重的疼痛,以评估未来放疗试验中的缓解率。对放疗治疗有反应的患者,从基线到随访的功能性干扰评分的平均差异明显更大。



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