首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuro-oncology. >Multiple cerebral cystic lesions with calcified borders: an atypical presentation of pulmonary adenocarcinoma.

Multiple cerebral cystic lesions with calcified borders: an atypical presentation of pulmonary adenocarcinoma.


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A 56-year-old woman presented with a two-month history of behavioural disturbance. Examination disclosed receptive dysphasia and right hemianopsia. Brain CT (A: before and B: after contrast injection) and MRI (C: fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery sequence; D: T1-weighted images with gadolinium) showed multiple cystic lesions with calcified borders and discrete peripheral contrast enhancement, without surrounding edema (Fig. 1). Echi-nococcosis and cysticercosis serologies were negative. Thoracic CT revealed two lung nodules in the right superior and inferior lobes. Abdominal CT showed a hepatic solid lesion. Transthoracic needle biopsy of the largest pulmonary lesion allowed the diagnosis of primaryadenocarcinoma. Supportive treatment only was offered. She died two weeks later. Autopsy was not allowed.Calcification of metastatic brain lesions is exceedingly rare, with less than 60 cases reported to date. Malignancy and high-growing velocity usually prevents time-dependent calcium deposition. For thisreason calcification tends to occur in very slow-growing tumours, indicating a better prognosis. In the reported case other factors than time, one of which probably being cyst composition, certainly concurred to this unusual clinical finding.
机译:一名56岁的妇女表现出两个月的行为障碍史。体检发现接受性吞咽困难和右偏瘫。脑部CT(A:造影剂注射之前和B:造影剂注射之后)和MRI(C:液体衰减的反转恢复序列; D:T1含with的加权图像)显示出多个囊性病变,边界钙化,周围对比度增强,周围无周围水肿(图1)。棘球菌病和囊虫病血清学均为阴性。胸部CT显示右上叶和下叶有两个肺结节。腹部CT显示肝实性病变。经胸最大的肺部病变穿刺活检可以诊断为原发性腺癌。仅提供支持治疗。两周后她死了。尸检是不允许的,转移性脑损伤的钙化极为罕见,迄今为止报道的病例不到60例。恶性肿瘤和高生长速度通常会阻止时间依赖性钙沉积。因此,钙化往往发生在生长缓慢的肿瘤中,表明预后较好。在报道的病例中,除时间以外的其他因素(其中之一可能是囊肿成分)当然也与这一不寻常的临床发现有关。



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