首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Behavior >Constructs of engagement emerging in an ethnomathematically-based teacher education course

Constructs of engagement emerging in an ethnomathematically-based teacher education course


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This paper presents a case study, in which we apply and develop theoretical constructs to analyze motivating desires observed in an unconventional, culturally contextualized teacher education course. Participants, Israeli students from several different cultures and backgrounds (pre-service and in-service teachers, Arabs and Jews, religious and secular) together studied geometry through inquiry into geometric ornaments drawn from diverse cultures, and acquired knowledge and skills in multicultural education. To analyze affective behaviors in the course we applied the methodology of engagement structures recently proposed by Goldin and his colleagues. Our study showed that engagement structures were a powerful tool for examining motivating desires of the students. We found that the constructivist ethnomathematical approach highlighted the structures that matched our instructional goals and diminished those related to students' feelings of dissatisfaction and inequity. We propose a new engagement structure "Acknowledge my culture" to embody motivating desires, arising from multicultural interactions, that foster mathematical learning.
机译:本文提供了一个案例研究,其中我们应用并发展了理论构造,以分析在非常规的,文化背景下的师范教育课程中观察到的激励愿望。参与者,来自几种不同文化和背景的以色列学生(在职和在职教师,阿拉伯人和犹太人,宗教和世俗的人)共同研究了几何学,方法是对来自不同文化的几何装饰进行探究,并获得了多元文化教育的知识和技能。为了分析该课程中的情感行为,我们应用了Goldin及其同事最近提出的参与结构的方法。我们的研究表明,交往结构是检验学生激励意愿的有力工具。我们发现,建构主义的民族运动方法强调了符合我们教学目标的结构,并减少了与学生的不满和不公平感相关的结构。我们提出了一种新的参与结构“ Acknowledge my culture”,以体现由多元文化互动产生的,促进数学学习的激励性愿望。



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