首页> 外文期刊>Journal of autism and developmental disorders >Visual Search and Emotion: How Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Scan Emotional Scenes

Visual Search and Emotion: How Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Scan Emotional Scenes


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This study assessed visual search abilities, tested through the flicker task, in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Twenty-two children diagnosed with ASD and 22 matched typically developing (TD) children were told to detect changes in objects of central interest or objects of marginal interest (MI) embedded in either emotion-laden (positive or negative) or neutral real-world pictures. The results showed that emotion-laden pictures equally interfered with performance of both ASD and TD children, slowing down reaction times compared with neutral pictures. Children with ASD were faster than TD children, particularly in detecting changes in MI objects, the most difficult condition. However, their performance was less accurate than performance of TD children just when the pictures were negative. These findings suggest that children with ASD have better visual search abilities than TD children only when the search is particularly difficult and requires strong serial search strategies. The emotional–social impairment that is usually considered as a typical feature of ASD seems to be limited to processing of negative emotional information.
机译:这项研究评估了通过闪烁任务测试的患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的儿童的视觉搜索能力。告诉22名被诊断患有ASD的儿童和22名相匹配的典型发育中(TD)儿童,以检测他们在充满情绪(积极或消极)或中立的真实世界中的中心关注对象或边缘关注对象(MI)的变化图片。结果表明,与中性图片相比,充满情绪的图片同样会影响ASD和TD儿童的表现,从而减慢了反应时间。 ASD患儿比TD患儿快,特别是在检测最困难的MI对象变化方面。但是,当图片为负数时,他们的表现不如TD儿童的表现准确。这些发现表明,只有在搜索特别困难并且需要强大的连续搜索策略时,ASD儿童才比TD儿童具有更好的视觉搜索能力。通常被认为是ASD的典型特征的情绪-社会障碍似乎仅限于处理负面的情绪信息。



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