首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Aquaculture >Effect of Feather Meal on Growth and Body Composition of the Juvenile Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei

Effect of Feather Meal on Growth and Body Composition of the Juvenile Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei


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A 35.8% crude protein shrimp diet containing 24.5% fish meal was modified by substituting either a regular feather meal or a high-digestibility feather meal for 33.3, 66.7, and 100% offish meal on an equal weight basis. Additionally, synthetic amino acids were added to both types of feather meal diets so that their total lysine and methionine contents were the same as those of the fish meal-based control diet. After an 8-week growth assay, shrimp body weight ranged from 0.92 to 2.83 g, and survival was in the range from 58.3 to 76.4%. No body weight difference occurred between shrimp fed diets based on either type of feather meal (P = 0.178). However, a significant weight difference existed between shrimp fed both types of feather meals with amino acid supplementation and those without amino acid supplementation (P = 0.023). Shrimp fed 33.3% fish meal replacement diets grew faster than those with 66.7 or 100% fish meal replacement diets (P = 0.043 and P = 0.012, respectively). Supplementing amino acids to both feather meal diets reduced shrimp body moisture (P = 0.014) and contents of ash (P = 0.002) and increased crude fat (P = 0.007) but had no significant effect on crude protein content (P = 0.062).
机译:通过将常规羽毛粉或高消化率羽毛粉替换为等重量的33.3%,66.7%和100%的鱼粉,可以对包含24.5%鱼粉的35.8%粗蛋白虾饲料进行改良。此外,在两种类型的羽毛粉日粮中都添加了合成氨基酸,以使它们的总赖氨酸和蛋氨酸含量与以鱼粉为基础的对照日粮相同。经过8周的生长试验,虾的体重在0.92至2.83 g之间,成活率在58.3%至76.4%之间。基于两种羽毛粉的虾饲喂日粮之间没有体重差异(P = 0.178)。然而,在两种类型的羽毛粉中添加氨基酸和不添加氨基酸的虾饲喂的虾之间存在明显的体重差异(P = 0.023)。饲喂33.3%鱼粉替代饲料的虾比使用66.7或100%鱼粉替代饲料的虾生长更快(分别为P = 0.043和P = 0.012)。两种羽毛粉日粮中都添加氨基酸可减少虾体水分(P = 0.014)和灰分(P = 0.002),增加粗脂肪(P = 0.007),但对粗蛋白含量无显着影响(P = 0.062)。



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