首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Chemical composition, nutritive value, and toxicology evaluation ofMexican wild lupins

Chemical composition, nutritive value, and toxicology evaluation ofMexican wild lupins


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The nutrient composition, toxic factors content, and nutritional and toxicological value of Lupinus splendens, L. rotundiflorus, L. elegans, L. simulans, L. exaltatus, L. reflexus, and L. madrensis species from Mexico were analyzed. The seeds of these species were a good source of protein. All the species showed a high lysine and tryptophan content, though sulfur amino acids were limiting. Cyanogenic glycosides were absent, and lectins, trypsin inhibitors, and tannins were present in low concentrations. Lupanine was the major alkaloid in almost all the samples, although sparteine was the major alkaloid in Lupinus reflexus (26.63 mg/g of sample). Cytisine was not found in any of the studied lupins. L. reflexus showed the highest acute toxicity, and L. elegans exhibited no toxicity as evaluated using a mice model. The alkaloid was reduced by hot-water extraction. The protein efficiency ratio in water-debittered seeds was relatively poor (1.1-1.5). These results suggest that the wild lupins studied represent a potential protein supply, and they could be domesticated and used for animal feed if the alkaloids were eliminated and the protein was supplemented with methionine, or if the lupins were used. in mixture with cereals.
机译:分析了来自墨西哥的羽扇豆,罗门氏L.线虫,线虫L.simulans,exaltatus,反射L.和madrensis种的营养成分,毒性因子含量以及营养和毒理学价值。这些物种的种子是蛋白质的良好来源。尽管硫氨基酸是限制性的,但所有种类均显示出高的赖氨酸和色氨酸含量。不含氰化物,低浓度存在凝集素,胰蛋白酶抑制剂和单宁酸。卢帕宁是几乎所有样品中的主要生物碱,尽管斯巴地宁是反射羽扇豆中的主要生物碱(26.63 mg / g样品)。在任何研究过的羽扇豆中均未发现胱氨酸。使用小鼠模型评估,反射乳杆菌显示出最高的急性毒性,而秀丽线虫没有显示出毒性。通过热水提取将生物碱还原。水苦种子中的蛋白质效率比相对较差(1.1-1.5)。这些结果表明,所研究的野生羽扇豆代表了潜在的蛋白质供应,如果消除了生物碱并添加了蛋氨酸,或者如果使用了羽扇豆,它们可以被驯化并用于动物饲料。与谷物混合。



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