首页> 外文期刊>Joint, bone, spine : >Lack of anti-citrullinated fibrinogen and anti-CCP antibodies in adult patients with Down syndrome

Lack of anti-citrullinated fibrinogen and anti-CCP antibodies in adult patients with Down syndrome


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In a previous study by Nisihara et al. [1], ACPA measured by an ELISA for anti-CCP detection (INOVA Diagnostics, San Diego, CA, USA) and the IgM-rheumatoid factor (RF) measured by tur-bidimetry, were frequently found in the sera of young patients with Down's syndrome (up to 50% of the cases): 42 out of a first set of 150 patients were positive for IgM-RF (cut-off values of 40 UI/mL) versus 7/105 control children. Similarly, in a second set of 86 other sera, whilst 42 were positive for IgM-RF, 45 were also positive for anti-CCP, among which 16 weekly positive, and 29 moderately positive (above 40 units) [ 1 ], 25/86 (29%) being positive for both RF and anti-CCP [1]. None of these children (median of 4 years), was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or juvenile arthritis [1 ]. Periodonti-tis, which favors the occurrence of anti-CCP [2], was not mentioned, and no precisions were given on other risk factors for citrullina-tion (HLA DR4, tobacco, and so on...). As a positivity for both FR and anti-CCP antibodies is highly specific for RA [3], we wished to replicate this puzzling observation. Indeed, there is an association of Down's syndrome with autoimmune diseases (thyroiditis, vitiligo, type I diabete mellitus, celiac disease) [4], and alterations of thymic medulla have been described in Down's syndrome, which could also deserve interest in RA [5].
机译:在Nisihara等人的先前研究中。 [1],通过ELISA进行抗CCP检测的ACPA(INOVA Diagnostics,圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚,美国)和通过浊度比色法测量的IgM-类风湿因子(RF)经常发现于年轻的患者血清中。唐氏综合症(多达50%的病例):150例患者中的42例IgM-RF阳性(临界值为40 UI / mL),而7/105例对照儿童为阳性。同样,在另一组86个其他血清中,IgM-RF阳性42例,抗CCP阳性45例,其中16例每周阳性,29例中度阳性(40个单位以上)[1],25 / RF和抗CCP阳性的比例为86(29%)[1]。这些儿童(中位数为4岁)均未患有类风湿关节炎(RA)或青少年关节炎[1]。没有提及有助于抗CCP [2]发生的牙周炎,也没有给出其他有关瓜氨酸化的危险因素(HLA DR4,烟草等...)的精确度。由于FR和抗CCP抗体对RA都具有高度特异性[3],我们希望重复这一令人费解的观察。确实,唐氏综合症与自身免疫性疾病(甲状腺炎,白癜风,I型糖尿病,乳糜泻)有关联[4],并且在唐氏综合症中已描述了胸腺髓质的改变,这也应引起RA的关注[5]。 ]。



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