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Reducing the social gradient in smoking: Initiatives in the United Kingdom


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Issues. To describe initiatives aiming to reduce the social gradient of smoking in the UK. Approach. A description of government initiatives to support smokers from low socioeconomic and other key groups, including National Health Service Stop Smoking Services and how they are seeking to support smokers to quit. Key Findings. The UK is employing a number of strategies to reduce smoking prevalence and is currently top of the Tobacco Control Scale in Europe but the health gap does not yet appear to be decreasing (in relation to smoking prevalence in deprived and higher income groups). More recently, efforts have been made to target smokers in more deprived groups to draw more of these smokers into the quitting process. Implications. While Stop Smoking Services are a key part of the UK's comprehensive tobacco control strategy and are reaching smokers from low socioeconomic groups, wider population strategies, such as ensuring all contacts with health-care professionals include advice to stop and the prohibition of remaining channels of tobacco marketing, are required to maximise the impact on deprived smokers. Conclusion. While smoking prevalence decreases among the general population are important, reducing smoking among disadvantaged groups is imperative to reduce health inequalities. It is too soon to say whether the new measures recently adopted in the UK will help to achieve this.[Murray RL, McNeill A. Reducing the social gradient in smoking: Initiatives in the United Kingdom. Drug Alcohol Rev 2012;31:693-697]
机译:问题。描述旨在降低英国吸烟社会梯度的举措。方法。说明政府为支持低社会经济和其他主要群体(包括国家卫生服务局戒烟服务)的吸烟者采取的举措,以及他们如何寻求支持吸烟者戒烟的描述。重要发现。英国正在采用多种降低吸烟率的策略,目前在欧洲的烟草控制量表中名列前茅,但健康差距似乎尚未缩小(与贫困和高收入人群的吸烟率有关)。最近,已经做出努力,以更贫穷的人群为目标吸烟者,以吸引更多的吸烟者进入戒烟过程。含义。虽然戒烟服务是英国全面烟草控制策略的关键部分,并且正在吸引来自低社会经济群体的吸烟者,但更广泛的人口策略,例如确保与医疗保健专业人员的所有接触都包括戒烟建议和禁止剩余的烟草渠道进行营销,以最大程度地减少对贫困烟民的影响。结论。尽管普通人群中吸烟率的降低很重要,但减少弱势群体的吸烟量对于减少健康不平等势在必行。现在说英国最近采取的新措施是否有助于实现这一目标还为时过早。[Murray RL,McNeill A.降低吸烟的社会梯度:英国的倡议。药物酒精杂志2012年; 31:693-697]



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