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Is core needle biopsy superior to fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of papillary breast lesions?


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Since the 1980s core needle biopsy (CNB) has gained remarkable popularity and in many institutions it has replaced fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). However, similar to FNAB, limitation remains in the ability of this procedure to reliably diagnose a small, but prognostically significant, number of breast lesions. These include entities such as atypical ductal hyperplasia, fibro-epithelial tumors, radial scar, papillary lesions, and lobular neoplasia. To assess the diagnostic accuracy of CNB vs. FNAB in the same breast lesions, we reviewed our cases of papillary lesions of the breast. In a retrospective study, we identified 36 cases of FNAB and 11 cases of CNB diagnosed as papillary lesions and compared the results with their corresponding surgical specimen. Interpretation ranged from papillary vs. atypical papillary lesions favoring benign vs. malignant tumors, respectively. Occasionally, definitive diagnosis of papillary carcinoma was entertained. Immunohistochemical staining with smooth muscle actin was used to evaluate the presence or absence of a myoepithelial cell layer. FNAB had benign findings in 21 lesions, atypical in 10, and malignant in five. Of the five lesions yielding malignant features, four had invasive carcinoma and one had micropapillary ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Surgery revealed invasive carcinoma in three of the cases interpreted as atypical papillary lesions and invasive cancer and micropapillary DCIS in three of the cases diagnosed as benign lesions. Similar results were obtained with CNB. DCIS was found in one out of six of the cases diagnosed as papilloma. Out of the four cases that were interpreted as atypical papillary lesion, surgery revealed invasive carcinoma in one case and one case had micropapillary DCIS. Diagnosis of malignancy was confirmed by histology in one case interpreted as papillary carcinoma by CNB. This study suggested that both FNAB and CNB share similar diagnostic challenges and a follow-up surgical excision is indicated when diagnosis of a papillary lesion is entertained by both procedures. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2003;28:329-334.
机译:自1980年代以来,核心针穿刺活检(CNB)受到了广泛欢迎,在许多机构中,它已取代了细针穿刺活检(FNAB)。但是,与FNAB相似,该程序仍然无法可靠地诊断少量但在预后上有意义的乳腺病变。这些包括非典型导管增生,纤维上皮肿瘤,放射状疤痕,乳头状病变和小叶赘生物等实体。为了评估CNB与FNAB在同一乳腺病变中的诊断准确性,我们回顾了乳头状乳头状病变的病例。在一项回顾性研究中,我们确定了36例FNAB患者和11例被诊断为乳头状病变的CNB患者,并将结果与​​相应的手术标本进行了比较。解释范围分别为乳头状病变与非典型乳头状病变,有利于良性肿瘤与恶性肿瘤。偶尔进行乳头状癌的明确诊断。用平滑肌肌动蛋白进行免疫组织化学染色来评估肌上皮细胞层的存在与否。 FNAB在21个病变中有良性发现,非典型性有10个,恶性有5个。在五个具有恶性特征的病变中,四个具有浸润性癌,一个具有原位微乳头导管癌(DCIS)。外科手术揭示了三例浸润癌被解释为非典型乳头状病变,而三例浸润癌和微乳头DCIS被诊断为良性病变。用CNB获得了相似的结果。在诊断为乳头状瘤的六分之一病例中发现了DCIS。在四例被解释为非典型乳头状病变的病例中,手术显示浸润性癌1例,其中1例具有微乳头DCIS。一例经CNB解释为乳头状癌的组织学证实为恶性肿瘤。这项研究表明,FNAB和CNB都面临类似的诊断挑战,并且当两种方法均能诊断出乳头状病变时,则需要进行手术切除。诊断细胞病。 2003; 28:329-334。



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