首页> 外文期刊>Developmental psychology >'Life Stage-Specific' Variations in Performance in Response to Age Stereotypes

'Life Stage-Specific' Variations in Performance in Response to Age Stereotypes


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In a test of life stage-specific responses to age-based stigma, older (n = 54, ages 62-92) and younger (n = 81, ages 17-22) adults were told that a task (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III block design) required either (a) speed/contemporary knowledge (YA; "youth advantage") or (b) life experience/ wisdom (OA; "age advantage"). In order to investigate the role of individuals' own perceptual biases in response to age-based stigma, participants also completed a measure of perceived personal control of their life outcomes. Older adults showed lower performance on the task as a result of the additive effects of (a) exposure to a negative age-relevant stereotype and (b) being under the perceived control of others. Younger adults, however, showed higher performance on the task as a result of exposure to a negative age-relevant stereotype (a stereotype challenge effect, disconfirming the stereotype)--but only if they saw themselves under the control of powerful others. The opposed responses of the 2 age groups are interpreted as reflecting (a) differences in the permanence of their group membership and (b) uniqueness of age-based stigma. To our knowledge, this is the first test of the effects of age-relevant stereotypes on younger adults.
机译:在针对特定年龄阶段的耻辱的生命阶段特异性反应测试中,年龄较大(n = 54,年龄62-92岁)和年轻人(n = 81,17-22岁)被告知一项任务(韦氏成人智力量表- III区块设计)需要(a)速度/当代知识(YA;“青年优势”)或(b)生活经验/智慧(OA;“年龄优势”)。为了调查个人的感知偏见对基于年龄的污名的反应的作用,参与者还完成了感知到的个人对其生活成果的控制的措施。老年人由于(a)暴露于与年龄相关的负面刻板印象和(b)在他人的控制之下的相加作用而表现出较低的工作表现。然而,年轻的成年人由于暴露于与年龄相关的负面刻板印象(刻板印象挑战效应,无法确定刻板印象)而表现出更高的工作表现,但前提是他们看到自己处于强大他人的控制之下。这两个年龄组的对立反应被解释为反映(a)他们的组成员身份的永久性差异,以及(b)基于年龄的污名的独特性。据我们所知,这是与年龄有关的刻板印象对年轻人的影响的首次测试。



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