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Food analysis: morphine in poppy seeds - examination of the distribution of morphine in raw poppy seeds and poppy seed filling produced thereof.


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It can be presumed that the distribution of morphine in raw poppy seed batches is predominantly inhomogeneous. Therefore, a suitable sampling procedure is inevitable. The effort needed for sampling can be reduced to one-third (5 instead of 15 individual samples per big bag, 20 instead of 60 individual samples per 4000 kg batch). The results show a very good correlation between the individual samples, the intermediate samples per big bag, and the combined sample of the entire batch. Nevertheless, the strategy proposed here must be statistically secured by further tests and experiences gained. An effective sampling with reasonable effort for industry and official authorities as basis for meaningful examination results would be desirable. In the industrial production of a poppy seed filling, the already described reduction of morphine content due to the technological processing could be reproduced. While the morphine content in the raw poppy seeds used for the production of the filling was 30 mg/kg, the filling itself contained only 0.5 mg/kg. During the examination, it was again confirmed that within the scope of industrial processing, the Hungarian maximum value of 30 mg/kg in raw poppy seeds ensures the production of safe foods which comply with European food safety requirements. On the other hand, poppy seeds for baking must be offered in the food retail trade only as low-morphine or technologically processed product because the potential risk is actually the individual application by the consumer which cannot be influenced.
机译:可以推测吗啡在未加工的罂粟种子批次中的分布主要是不均匀的。因此,合适的采样程序是不可避免的。采样所需的精力可以减少到三分之一(每大袋5个样品,而不是15个单独样品;每4000公斤批次,20个样品,而不是60个单独样品)。结果表明,单个样品,每个大袋子的中间样品以及整个批次的组合样品之间具有很好的相关性。尽管如此,这里提出的策略必须通过进一步的测试和获得的经验来从统计上得到保证。需要业界和官方机构进行合理努力并进行有效采样,作为有意义的检验结果的基础。在罂粟籽馅的工业生产中,可以复制由于技术处理而导致的已描述的吗啡含量降低。虽然用于生产馅料的罂粟种子中的吗啡含量为30 mg / kg,但馅料本身仅包含0.5 mg / kg。在检查过程中,再次确认在工业加工范围内,罂粟籽的匈牙利最大值为30 mg / kg,可确保生产符合欧洲食品安全要求的安全食品。另一方面,用于烘烤的罂粟种子在食品零售业中必须仅以低吗啡或经技术加工的产品形式提供,因为潜在的风险实际上是消费者的个人应用,不能受到影响。



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