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Understanding familial and non-familial renal cell cancer.


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Molecular genetic analysis of familial and non-familial cases of conventional renal cell carcinoma (RCC) revealed a critical role(s) for multiple genes on human chromosome 3. For some of these genes, e.g. VHL, such a role has been firmly established, whereas for others, definite confirmation is still pending. Additionally, a novel role for constitutional chromosome 3 translocations as risk factors for conventional RCC development is rapidly emerging. Also, several candidate loci have been mapped to other chromosomes in both familial and non-familial RCCs of distinct histologic subtypes. The MET gene on chromosome 7, for example, was found to be involved in both forms of papillary RCC. A PRCC-TFE3 fusion gene is typically encountered in t(X;1)-positive non-familial papillary RCCs and results in abrogation of the cell cycle mitotic spindle checkpoint in a dominant-negative fashion, thus leading to RCC. Together, these data turn human RCC into a model system in which different aspects of both familial and non-familial syndromes may act as novel paradigms for cancer development.
机译:常规肾细胞癌(RCC)家族和非家族病例的分子遗传学分析揭示了人类染色体3上多个基因的关键作用。 VHL已经牢固地确立了这样的角色,而对于其他人来说,确定的确认仍在等待中。另外,作为常规RCC发展的危险因素,构成染色体3易位的新作用正在迅速出现。同样,几个候选基因座已被映射到不同组织学亚型的家族性和非家族性RCC中的其他染色体。例如,发现第7号染色体上的MET基因参与了两种形式的乳头状RCC。在t(X; 1)阳性非家族性乳头状RCC中通常会遇到PRCC-TFE3融合基因,并导致以显性-阴性方式废除细胞周期有丝分裂纺锤体检查点,从而导致RCC。这些数据加在一起,将人类RCC变成了一个模型系统,其中家族和非家族综合症的不同方面都可以充当癌症发展的新范例。



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