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Stigma by association: the effects of caring for HIV/AIDS patients in South Africa.


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The shortage of healthcare workers caring for South Africa's 5-6 million persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) calls for inquiry into workers' challenges and experiences. This exploratory study examines one little-studied challenge: stigmatisation of HIV/AIDS healthcare workers based on their association with PLHA. The authors tested the hypotheses that HIV/AIDS healthcare workers experience stigmatisation due to their association with PLHA, and that such association stigma is correlated with thoughts of leaving the HIV/AIDS field. A sample of 100 participants who provided direct care to PLHA was recruited from a variety of public and private HIV/AIDS care centres in Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Participants attended one of 12 focus groups held between June and August, 2008. They completed a 17-item questionnaire and discussed each item. Findings exhibit the presence of an adverse differentiation and labelling of HIV/AIDS healthcare workers, leading to status loss and discrimination, creating an impetus for HIV/AIDS healthcare workers to leave AIDS work altogether. A significant relationship (chi(2) (TREND) = 3.86, df = 1, P = 0.049) was found between contemplation of leaving AIDS work and perception of others' responses to their work with PLHA. In addition, associations emerged between type of AIDS worker and contemplation of working in AIDS care outside of South Africa (Kruskal-Wallis chi(2) = 6.96, df = 2, P = 0.031), with doctors and nurses reporting higher frequency of contemplating leaving South Africa to work with PLHA elsewhere (Mann-Whitney z = -2.53, P = 0.011). The study lays the foundation for additional research on the effects of association stigma. In turn, increased efforts to retain and recruit new HIV/AIDS healthcare workers will expand the pool of healthcare personnel to PLHA.
机译:南非照顾5-6百万艾滋病毒/艾滋病(PLHA)的医护人员短缺,这要求对工人的挑战和经历进行调查。这项探索性研究探讨了一项鲜为人知的挑战:基于艾滋病毒/艾滋病医护人员与艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的关系而受到污名化。作者检验了以下假设:HIV / AIDS医护人员由于与PLHA相关而遭受耻辱,并且这种污名化与离开HIV / AIDS领域的想法有关。从南非东开普省的各种公共和私人HIV / AIDS护理中心招募了100名直接为PLHA提供护理的参与者。参与者参加了2008年6月至8月之间举行的12个焦点小组之一。他们完成了17个项目的问卷调查并讨论了每个项目。调查结果显示,艾滋病毒/艾滋病医护人员存在不利的分化和标签,导致身份流失和歧视,这为艾滋病毒/艾滋病医护人员完全放弃艾滋病工作提供了动力。发现在沉思离开艾滋病工作与对他人对他们在PLHA方面的工作反应的看法之间存在显着的关系(chi(2)(TREND)= 3.86,df = 1,P = 0.049)。此外,在南非以外的艾滋病工作者的类型与对艾滋病护理工作的考虑之间出现了关联(Kruskal-Wallis chi(2)= 6.96,df = 2,P = 0.031),医生和护士报告的考虑频率更高。离开南非与其他地方的PLHA合作(Mann-Whitney z = -2.53,P = 0.011)。这项研究为进一步研究关联耻辱感奠定了基础。反过来,加大力度挽留和招募新的HIV / AIDS医护人员,将把医护人员扩大到PLHA。



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