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Community capacity building in practice: constructing its meaning and relevance to health promoters.


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Community capacity building (CCB) is held up as a benchmark for sustainable health promotion, reflecting the empowering discourse of the Ottawa Charter (WHO 1986). In light of concerns that this language may be that of the presiding bureaucratic elite rather than the realities of those working directly with communities (Laverack & Labonte 2000), we question whether CCB reflects the work of New Zealand health promoters. The aim of this study is to assess what CCB means to health promoters and how relevant it is to their work in New Zealand. Focus groups and interviews were carried out with 64 health promoters between January 2008 and March 2009. The results of this qualitative study indicated that, while the terminology of CCB is poorly established in New Zealand, the overwhelming majority of participants felt that, to be an effective health promoter, they needed the buy-in and support of the communities in which they work. As a result, community-driven approaches have emerged as a core component of good health promotion practice in New Zealand. Yet, the concept of CCB was applied loosely with health promoters adopting language and practices corresponding more with the nuances of community development. The limited use of systematic approaches to building community capacity was accompanied by few successes achieving sustainable health promotion programmes. In prioritising community relationships many health promoters were placed in an ideological bind whereby achieving community ownership over health promotion meant compromising the evidence base of their programmes. Academic discussions of CCB appear to have gained little traction into the realm of health promotion practice in New Zealand highlighting the need for relevant research with a strong grounding in practice.
机译:社区能力建设(CCB)被作为可持续健康促进的基准,反映了《渥太华约章》(WHO 1986)的授权论述。考虑到这种语言可能是主要的官僚精英而不是直接与社区合作的人们的现实(Laverack&Labonte 2000),我们质疑CCB是否反映了新西兰健康促进者的工作。这项研究的目的是评估CCB对健康促进者的意义以及与他们在新西兰的工作之间的相关性。在2008年1月至2009年3月期间,对64位健康促进者进行了焦点小组和访谈。定性研究的结果表明,尽管在新西兰CCB的术语尚不完善,但绝大多数参与者认为作为有效的健康促进者,他们需要工作所在社区的支持和支持。结果,社区驱动的方法已经成为新西兰良好健康促进实践的核心组成部分。然而,CCB的概念在健康促进者中被宽松地采用,其采用的语言和做法更符合社区发展的细微差别。有限地使用系统的方法来建设社区能力,但在实现可持续健康促进计划方面却很少取得成功。在优先考虑社区关系时,许多健康促进者被置于意识形态束缚中,由此实现社区对健康促进的主人翁意识意味着损害了其计划的证据基础。 CCB的学术讨论在新西兰的健康促进实践领域似乎没有什么吸引力,强调了在实践中有扎实基础的相关研究的必要性。



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