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Looking at picturebook covers multimodally: the case of two-Mum and two-Dad picturebooks


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Picturebooks featuring same-sex parents, although growing in number, remain underexplored. In this article, the authors look at the covers of four such picturebooks, in particular at the representation of the co-parents and the multimodal workings of image and text. They ask: 'How can the multimodal relationship between image and written text (the title) on the covers of picturebooks featuring same-sex parents best be described and explained?' This study is timely in that the image-text relationship is a contested one. Drawing on the notions of modal affordance and epistemological commitment and the Hallidayan functional grammar category of enhancement, the authors use Theo van Leeuwen's (2008, 1996) Social Actors frameworks, in particular the Visual Representation frameworks, to show that image and text (the title) are not commensurate in the meanings they communicate. Further, rather than one mode being merely supportive of the other, image and text, here, are 'mutually enhancing' (see Unsworth and Cleirigh's contribution to The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis, edited by Carey Jewitt, 2011). In these picturebooks, gay identities and practices can be - and indeed need to be read through an appreciation of this mutual enhancement, rather than through image or text (title) alone or in parallel. The authors propose that mutual enhancement may be characteristic of a sometime transgressive genre such as picturebooks featuring gay parents.
机译:以同性父母为特征的图画书虽然数量不断增加,但仍未得到充分开发。在本文中,作者研究了四本这样的图画书的封面,特别是在同父母的代表以及图像和文本的多模式作品中。他们问:“如何最好地描述和解​​释具有同性父母的图画书封面上图像与书面文字(标题)之间的多峰关系?”该研究是及时的,因为图像-文本关系是一个有争议的关系。利用模态承受力和认识论承诺的概念以及增强的Hallidayan功能语法类别,作者使用Theo van Leeuwen(2008,1996)的Social Actor框架,特别是Visual Representation框架来显示图像和文本(标题)在传达的意义上不相称。此外,这里的图像和文本不是一种仅支持另一种的模式,而是“相互增强”的(参见Unsworth和Cleirigh对Routledge多模式分析手册的贡献,由Carey Jewitt编辑,2011年)。在这些图画书中,同性恋的身份和习俗可以是-确实需要通过对这种相互促进的欣赏来阅读,而不是通过单独或并行的图像或文字(标题)来阅读。作者提出,相互促进可能是有时过犯的类型的特征,例如以同性恋父母为特征的图画书。



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