首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Routine postoperative intensive care monitoring is not necessary after radical cystectomy.

Routine postoperative intensive care monitoring is not necessary after radical cystectomy.


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PURPOSE: Patients undergoing radical cystectomy have historically required intensive care monitoring in the perioperative period. We examined the postoperative care of these patients since the institution of a clinical care pathway with special attention to the need for intensive care unit admission. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the records of 304 consecutive patients who underwent radical cystectomy from December 1995 to July 2000. Variables examined were the location and nature of postoperative care, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, estimated blood loss, transfusion requirement, hospital stay, perioperative minor complications, major complications, the mortality rate and urinary diversion type. RESULTS: Of the 304 patients 20 (6.5%) required intensive care unit monitoring during postoperative recovery and 18 were admitted directly to the intensive care unit postoperatively. Compared with the total population those admitted to the intensive care unit had increased hospital stay (p = 0.002), higher American Society of Anesthesiologists score (p <0.001), higher transfusion requirement (p = 0.001) and shorter operative time (p = 0.02). Patients who received blood transfusion and those with major complications were more likely to need intensive care unit care (p = 0.019 and <0.001, respectively). A single patient died who did not receive intensive care unit care. CONCLUSIONS: Our clinical care pathway outlines postoperative care on the regular urology floor for patients who undergo radical cystectomy. This policy has been safe and efficacious. We believe that admission to the intensive care unit should only be done in select cases.
机译:目的:进行根治性膀胱切除术的患者历史上一直需要在围手术期进行重症监护。自临床护理途径建立以来,我们检查了这些患者的术后护理,并特别注意重症监护室入院的必要性。材料与方法:我们回顾了1995年12月至2000年7月进行的304例行根治性膀胱切除术的患者的记录。检查的变量包括术后护理的位置和性质,美国麻醉医师学会评分,估计的失血量,输血量,住院时间,围手术期轻微并发症,主要并发症,死亡率和尿流改道类型。结果:304例患者中有20(6.5%)位患者在术后恢复期间需要接受重症监护室监护,而18例患者则在术后直接进入重症监护室。与重症监护病房的总住院人数相比,住院时间增加了(p = 0.002),美国麻醉医师学会评分更高(p <0.001),输血需求更高(p = 0.001)和手术时间更短(p = 0.02) )。接受输血的患者和有严重并发症的患者更有可能需要加护病房护理(分别为p = 0.019和<0.001)。一名没有接受重症监护病房护理的患者死亡。结论:我们的临床护理途径概述了行根治性膀胱切除术的患者在常规泌尿外科进行的术后护理。这项政策是安全有效的。我们认为,重症监护病房只能在特定情况下入院。



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