首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of nursing education >Predictors of NCLEX-RN success in a baccalaureate nursing program as a foundation for remediation.

Predictors of NCLEX-RN success in a baccalaureate nursing program as a foundation for remediation.


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This study evaluated students' demographic and nursing program variables and standardized test scores to determine whether significant differences existed between students who successfully completed the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and those who were unsuccessful. In addition, the predictive accuracy of two standardized examinations, the Mosby AssessTest and the Health Education Systems, Incorporated (HESI) Exit Examination were compared. Two cohorts of graduating senior nursing students were studied (1999 cohort N = 121; 2000 cohort N = 103). Demographic and nursing program variables were obtained from student records. The Undergraduate Studies Committee provided standardized test scores (Mosby AssessTest in 1999; HESI Exit Examination in 2000). Only two program variables were consistently associated with success on the NCLEX-RN--final course grade for a didactic, senior-level medical-surgical nursing course and cumulative program grade point average. Scores on both standardized tests were significantly different in students who were successful on the NCLEX-RN and those who were not. The HESI Exit Examination demonstrated greater sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and test efficiency, compared with the Mosby AssessTest. Use of program variables and students' standardized test scores may allow faculty to identify students at risk for failing the NCLEX-RN and to provide structured remediation so these students may be successful on the licensing examination and begin their nursing careers.
机译:这项研究评估了学生的人口统计和护理计划变量以及标准化的考试分数,以确定成功完成了国家议会注册护士执业资格考试(NCLEX-RN)的学生与未成功完成考试的学生之间是否存在显着差异。此外,还比较了两种标准化考试Mosby AssessTest和健康教育系统股份有限公司(HESI)退出考试的预测准确性。研究了两个即将毕业的高级护理学生队列(1999年队列N = 121; 2000年队列N = 103)。人口统计学和护理计划变量是从学生记录中获得的。本科学习委员会提供了标准化的考试成绩(1999年进行了Mosby AssessTest; 2000年进行了HESI考试)。在NCLEX-RN上,只有两个程序变量与成功的相关性始终如一-一个教学,高级医学外科护理课程的最终课程成绩和累计程序成绩平均分。在通过NCLEX-RN考试成功的学生和没有通过NCLEX-RN考试的学生中,两种标准化考试的分数均存在显着差异。与Mosby评估测试相比,HESI出口考试显示出更高的敏感性,特异性,阳性和阴性预测值以及测试效率。使用课程变量和学生的标准考试分数可以使教师确定有可能因NCLEX-RN考试失败而面临风险的学生,并提供结构化的补救措施,从而使这些学生可以在许可考试中取得成功并开始他们的护理事业。



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