首页> 外文期刊>The Indian journal of genetics & plant breeding >Development of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) doubled haploid lines resistant to Potato virus Y-0

Development of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) doubled haploid lines resistant to Potato virus Y-0

机译:烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)的发展使对马铃薯病毒Y-0的单倍体系倍增

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Viral diseases such as Potato Virus Y(PVY) in tobacco plants can cause a lot of damage annually. In order to obtain PVY resistant doubled haploids (DH) of Nicotiana tabacum with desirable traits. Two varieties of tobacco VAM resistant to PVY and K326 of recognized high quality of leaves were crossed. The F-1 hybrids were grown in pots and the anthers were cultured on PGR-free MS medium. After production of somatic embryos, colchicine treatment (0.4%) was applied for 8 hours. Thereafter, 184 plantlets were transferred to greenhouse and then moved to the field and self-pollinated. The derivatives of colchicine treated and fertile plants were inoculated with PVY0. DAS-ELISA technique and rating of symptoms were used to select resistant plants. From a total of seventeen DH, seven plants were selected as pure lines and evaluated under field condition. The DH lines showed significant differences between them for morphological and chemical traits. Some of the DHs had longer and wider leaves than K326 cultivar as control. The content of sugars was not affected by genotype. Finally, three doubled haploid lines (TDH-03, TDH-09, TDH-11) with desirable characteristics were selected as PVY resistance.
机译:烟草植物中的马铃薯马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)等病毒性疾病每年可能造成很多损害。为了获得具有理想性状的烟草的PVY抗性双单倍体(DH)。杂交了两株抗PVY的烟草VAM和公认的高品质叶片K326。 F-1杂种在盆中生长,花药在无PGR的MS培养基上培养。产生体细胞胚后,秋水仙碱处理(0.4%)进行8小时。此后,将184株小苗转移到温室中,然后移到田间进行自花授粉。用秋水仙碱处理过的可育植物的衍生物接种PVY0。 DAS-ELISA技术和症状等级用于选择抗性植物。从总共17种DH中,选择7种植物作为纯品系,并在田间条件下进行评估。 DH系在形态和化学特性上显示出显着差异。一些DH的叶片比K326品种的叶片更长和更宽。糖的含量不受基因型的影响。最后,选择具有理想特性的三个双倍单倍体系(TDH-03,TDH-09,TDH-11)作为PVY抗性。



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