首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Software Process Improvement >An Android App for detecting damage on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves caused by blue mold (Penospora tabacina Adam)

An Android App for detecting damage on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves caused by blue mold (Penospora tabacina Adam)

机译:Android应用程序,用于检测由蓝霉菌(Penospora tabacina Adam)引起的烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)叶片受损



In this paper, we present an Android App designed to detect damage in tobacco leaves caused by the fungus of blue mold. This mobile application uses a classifier model which was built using a pattern recognition technique known as Artificial Neural Network. For the training and testing stages, a total of 40 images of tobacco leaves were used. The experimentation carried out shows that the developed model has an accuracy higher than 97% and there is no significant difference with a visual analysis carried out by experts in tobacco crop.



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