首页> 外文期刊>Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of the American Psychosomatic Society >Persistence of depressive symptoms and cardiovascular death among patients with affective disorder.

Persistence of depressive symptoms and cardiovascular death among patients with affective disorder.


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OBJECTIVE: Studies of both community and clinical samples have associated depressive symptoms with risks for subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Because the physiological mechanisms thought to underlie this link would be cumulative in their effects, the following analyses tested the prediction that risks for cardiovascular death would increase in proportion to the persistence of depressive symptoms in a long-term follow-up. METHODS: Baseline assessment was performed as patients sought treatment for major depressive disorder, mania, or schizo-affective disorder. Follow-up evaluations occurred semiannually for the next 5 years and annually thereafter. The 903 patients described, observed for a mean of 11.0 years (SD = 5.2 years), were divided into thirds according to the proportion of follow-up weeks in episodes of major depressive disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or intermittent depressive disorder. The resulting groups were then compared by cumulative risks of cardiovascular death. RESULTS: Patients whose depressive symptoms were the most persistent were no more likely to die of cardiovascular causes than were those with the fewest weeks ill. A regression analysis showed that older age and the presence of cardiovascular disease at baseline, but not the subsequent chronicity of depressive symptoms, predicted cardiovascular death. CONCLUSIONS: The physiological concomitants of depressive illness apparently do not promote cardiovascular mortality in a cumulative manner. Efforts should be directed toward identification of risk factors common to both lifetime depressive symptoms and cardiovascular morbidity.
机译:目的:对社区和临床样本的研究均将抑郁症状与随后发生心血管疾病和死亡的风险相关联。由于被认为是这种联系基础的生理机制在其作用中是累积性的,因此以下分析测试了长期随访中心血管死亡风险与抑郁症状持续时间成正比的预测。方法:进行基线评估是因为患者寻求治疗重度抑郁症,躁狂症或精神分裂症。在接下来的5年中每半年进行一次后续评估,此后每年进行一次评估。所描述的903名患者的平均随访时间为11.0年(SD = 5.2年),根据在严重抑郁症,分裂情感障碍或间歇性抑郁症发作中的随访周比例分为三分之二。然后将所得组通过心血管死亡的累积风险进行比较。结果:抑郁症状最持久的患者比患病最少的患者更不会死于心血管原因。回归分析表明,老年人和基线时存在心血管疾病,而不是随后的抑郁症状的长期性,可以预测心血管死亡。结论:抑郁症的生理伴随因素显然不能以累积的方式提高心血管疾病的死亡率。应努力确定终生抑郁症状和心血管疾病的共同危险因素。



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