首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology: An International Review Journal >RF personal exposimetry on employees of elementary schools, kindergartens and day nurseries as a proxy for child exposures

RF personal exposimetry on employees of elementary schools, kindergartens and day nurseries as a proxy for child exposures


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Personal RF exposimetry has been in the focus of the bioelectromagnetics community in the last few years. With a few exceptions, exposimetry studies focused on adults, because measuring the exposure of children, one of the most important target groups, introduces many complications. The main feature of our study is to select teachers and kindergarten caretakers as volunteers. They are expected to receive similar exposure patterns as the children because they spend the workday close to them. Thus they can stand as proxies for estimation of exposures of children. Volunteers belonging to one of two groups (elementary school teachers, n = 31; employees of kindergartens and day nurseries, n = 50) in Hungarian cities received a Personal Exposimeter (PEM) for 24 h each. Only workdays, when the volunteers worked near children, were considered. 51 additional volunteers (office workers) were measured as controls. The volunteers wore the PEMs on their bodies. Those activities marked in the exposure diaries as work were further classified into 5 categories based on the level of certainty that they actually worked near children during that activity. Subsets of the full dataset were derived and compared based on this categorization. It was found that relaxation of the selection criteria often under- or overestimates exposure. The differences of estimation depend on the frequency band and sub-population: the kindergarten and teacher groups differ in this regard. For most frequency bands the majority of data points was below the detection limit. Derived child exposures are comparable to the worktime exposure of adults (control group). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在过去的几年中,个人射频暴露测量一直是生物电磁学界关注的焦点。除少数例外,由于对儿童(最重要的目标人群之一)的暴露进行测量会导致许多并发症,因此,光度法研究主要针对成年人。我们研究的主要特点是选择教师和幼儿园看护人作为志愿者。预计他们将获得与孩子相似的接触方式,因为他们在靠近他们的工作日里度过。因此,它们可以作为估计儿童接触量的代理。匈牙利城市中属于两个组(小学教师,n = 31;幼儿园和托儿所的雇员,n = 50)中的一组的志愿者每人接受24小时个人暴露量表(PEM)。仅考虑工作日,即志愿者在儿童附近工作。将另外51名志愿者(办公室工作人员)作为对照。志愿者将PEM戴在身上。根据暴露日记在活动中实际在儿童附近工作的确定性水平,将其进一步列为5类。基于此分类,派生并比较了完整数据集的子集。发现选择标准的放宽经常低估或高估了接触量。估计的差异取决于频段和子群体:幼儿园和教师群体在这方面有所不同。对于大多数频带,大多数数据点都低于检测极限。衍生儿童的暴露量与成年人(对照组)的工作时间暴露量相当。 (C)2011 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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