
Physical activity or academic achievement? Both!


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This supplemental issue of Preventive Medicine is dedicated to a series of papers about the impact of physical activity on academic achievement. We thank our Guest Editor, Dr. Joseph E. Donnelly, and Associate Editor, Dr. Kate Lambourne, for having assembled such an exquisite set of contributions. These peer-reviewed papers were first presented in September 2010 at a satellite meeting of the 12th University of Kansas Annual Conference on Prevention and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity. The papers add to a growing body of research indicating that school-based physical activity, including physical education, can increase academic performance without competing for time devoted to academic instruction (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). The topic appears to be optimally susceptible to intervention. As we have repeatedly advocated in PM, just "trial it," when possible (Morabia and Costanza, 2005).
机译:预防医学的这一补充问题专门针对一系列有关体育锻炼对学业成就的影响的论文。我们感谢我们的客座编辑Joseph E. Donnelly博士和副编辑Kate Lambourne博士所做的杰出贡献。这些经过同行评审的论文于2010年9月在堪萨斯州第12届大学预防和治疗超重和肥胖年度会议的卫星会议上首次发表。这些论文增加了越来越多的研究,表明基于学校的体育活动(包括体育教育)可以提高学习成绩,而无需争夺用于教学的时间(美国卫生与公共服务部,2010年)。该主题似乎最容易受到干预。正如我们在PM中一再提倡的,只要可能就“尝试一下”(Morabia和Costanza,2005年)。



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