摘要:At the start of this new century,four strong earthquakes of magnitude from 6.0 to 6.5 have successively occurred in Dayao-Yaoan region of central Yunan,we analyzed the structure and its evolution,combined with the modern motion characteristics and tectonic stress field of the Sichuan-Yunnan Block,to confirm the motion model and special seismogenic model of central Yunnan tectonic area and discuss the relationship between joints generated by folds and seismic.The research revealed that all these event sequences arranged in NW direction regularly,with highly consistent mechanical rupture mechanism of dextral strike slip along the NW strike joint plane revealed by focal mechanism solution.This area had no faults,but dominated by many NW strike Mesozoic fold structures.Abundant field investigations attested that plenty of longitudinal joints and transverse joints associated with folds have been developed intensively in this area,the former were more development than the latter.These joints become concentrated belts which array in unequal space,with a width of 30m to 50m and 20m to 30m per miter.On the joint plane,there are calcites and gabbro dykes developed as well as squeezed schistosition belt,fresh striations and soft fault gouge,all these phenomenas suggest that these joints are not only related to deep crust,but also active recently.It is inferred that:under the SSE movement of central Yunan block,these earthquakes produced,with the NW strike longitudinal joints structure strengthening,liking-up and rupturing under the present NNW orientation pressed stress fields.The active joints,just like active faults and active folds,are one of the most widespread active structures on Earth.Joint structures may become structure strengthening or activity belts and then become particular seismogenic structures under particular tectonic circumstance and special tectonic stress field.%以21世纪初滇中大姚—姚安一带接连发生的4次Ms6.0~6.5级强震为例,通过分析该地区构造类型及其演化历史,结合川滇块体的现今运动特征和构造应力场,提出滇中构造区运动模型和特殊的孕震模式,探讨褶皱节理与地震活动的关系.研究表明,这些地震序列均有规律地沿北西方向展布,具有高度一致的沿北西向节理面右旋走滑的力学破裂机制.该地区断裂不发育,而是以北西向中生代褶皱构造为主.野外调查发现,该地区广泛发育与褶皱伴生的北西向纵向节理及北东向横向节理,前者较后者更为发育.这些节理密集成带,呈不等间距排列,带宽30~50 m,带内节理密度20~ 30条/m.节理面上发育有方解石脉和辉长岩脉,同时发育挤压片理化带、新鲜的水平擦痕和松软的断层泥,说明这些节理不仅与深部地壳有关联,而且近期有着新活动迹象.分析认为,在滇中块体南南东运动的背景下,这些地震是在现今北北西向挤压应力场作用下,北西向纵向节理发生构造强化、贯通、破裂的过程中产生的. “活节理”与活动断裂、活动褶皱等构造一样,是地球上广泛存在的活动构造之一.在特殊的构造环境和特定的构造应力场作用下,节理构造会演变为一种构造强化带或活化带,进而成为一种特殊的孕震构造.