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Chip-Package Codesign: Capabilities Improving, Need Growing


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The last few editions of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) have called for the development and improvement of chip-package-board codesign capabilities. Faster, more complex chips with ever-increasing numbers of I/Os and power connections drive this need, as well as the increasing number of sys-tems-in-package (SiPs). Some surprising cost factors are also driving codesign. Earlier this year, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC, Hsinchu), an IC foundry, released version 5.0 of its reference design flow. It includes capabilities for integrating the design of the chip and package, using tools from various companies, including Cadence (San Jose) and Optimal Corp. (San Jose). Timing and substrate routing challenges were among the reasons given for doing this, but the primary reasons were I/O and power planning.
机译:国际半导体技术路线图(ITRS)的最后几个版本要求开发和改进芯片封装板代码签名功能。更快,更复杂的芯片以及不断增加的I / O和电源连接推动了这一需求,并且封装系统(SiP)的数量也在不断增长。一些令人惊讶的成本因素也在推动代码签名。今年早些时候,IC代工厂台积电(TSMC,新竹)发布了其参考设计流程的5.0版。它包括使用Cadence(San Jose)和Optimal Corp.(San Jose)等多家公司的工具集成芯片和封装设计的功能。定时和衬底布线挑战是这样做的原因之一,但主要原因是I / O和电源规划。



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