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The Next Wafer Diameter Change


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Many considerations must be taken into account for such a technially complex and financially significant decision. This article outlines some factors that tend to favor delaying the time of initiating the next wafer diameter and planning for the largest diameter wafer deemed possible at the time it is required. These factors are: 1. A 460-465 mm wafer (with process equipment initiated in ~2015, first year of production ~2019, and significant device production in ~2021/22) seems optimum for square die arrays <25 mm on a side (including the street). 2. A 480-515 mm wafer provides more usable area and permits more die >25 mm on a side. However, it offers more technical and economic challenges. 3. The time for doubling the complexity of the most advanced devices needed by the end users seems to be increasing from its historic 18-24 month period. 4. Delaying the next diameter change and targeting a somewhat larger diameter provides more time to amortize the investment already made in 300 mm capability. 5. The 300 mm transition demonstrated that standardization, planning and cooperation can minimize the difficulties associated with a wafer diameter change. Now (2004-2010) is the time to have a vigorous discussion about the next wafer diameter and when must it be implemented.
机译:对于这种技术上复杂且对财务有重大影响的决定,必须考虑许多因素。本文概述了一些因素,这些因素往往有利于延迟启动下一个晶片直径的时间,并计划在需要时认为可能的最大直径晶片。这些因素是:1.一块460-465 mm的晶圆(其工艺设备于〜2015年启动,第一年〜2019年投入生产,并且大量的设备生产于〜2021/22年)对于侧面小于25 mm的方形管芯阵列似乎是最佳的(包括街道)。 2. 480-515毫米的晶圆提供了更多可用面积,并允许侧面上大于25毫米的更多管芯。但是,它带来了更多的技术和经济挑战。 3.最终用户所需的最先进设备的复杂性加倍的时间似乎比其历史性的18-24个月有所增加。 4.延迟下一次直径更改并以更大的直径为目标可以提供更多时间来摊销300 mm功能已经进行的投资。 5. 300毫米的过渡距离表明标准化,计划和合作可以最大程度地减少与晶片直径变化相关的困难。现在(2004-2010年)是时候就下一个晶片直径以及何时实施它进行激烈讨论了。



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