首页> 外文期刊>School Science and Mathematics >The Role of Field Experience in Elementary Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Ability to Connect Research to Practice

The Role of Field Experience in Elementary Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Ability to Connect Research to Practice


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Though the importance of including practicum experiences in programs for the preparation of elementary preservice teachers is generally accepted, the nature of these experiences on the development of skills in teaching science can vary greatly. This study compares the effect of variations in field experiences at two institutions, one which included a practicum that was not connected to the science methods course and instructor and the other where the practicum was concurrent with and taught by the methods instructor. Interview data and results of the STEBI-B were collected across four years, with a total n = 129. The concurrent, embedded practicum yielded consistent increases in self-efficacy across the semesters. Also after the embedded practicum, preservice teachers showed greater understanding in research-based science teaching practices.
机译:尽管普遍接受将实践经验纳入准备初级职前教师的计划中的重要性,但这些经验对于发展科学教学技能的性质可能会有很大差异。这项研究比较了两个机构的现场经验变化的影响,一个机构包括与科学方法课程和讲师无关的实践,而另一机构包括与方法讲师同时进行和由方法讲授的实践。四年中收集了STEBI-B的访谈数据和结果,总计n =129。同时进行的嵌入式实践在整个学期的自我效能不断提高。同样,在嵌入式实习之后,职前教师对基于研究的科学教学实践也表现出了更大的理解。



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