首页> 外文期刊>Multicultural perspectives >Rooted Indigenous Core Values: Culturally Appropriate Curriculum and Methods for Civic Education Reflective of Native American Culture and Learning Styles

Rooted Indigenous Core Values: Culturally Appropriate Curriculum and Methods for Civic Education Reflective of Native American Culture and Learning Styles


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This article provides an overview of the Navajo (Diné) K'e model and associated Indigenous and multitribal concepts that the Native American Community Academy (NACA) teachers, curriculum directors, instructional team members, programing mentors (aunties and uncles), community partners, staff, and school leaders draw from to inform how they design and implement curricula across grade levels and content. This practice guides the framework for culturally responsive curriculum at NACA and the inherent sovereignty of Native people by providing civic engagement and education through the lens of Indigeneity. K'e is a cornerstone of civic Indigenous education that is grounded in the core values of Native culture, Native way of life, and Indigenous knowledge. The fundamental idea is to restore relationships and harmony rather than to assign guilt and punishment. Students at NACA practice this restorative practice that reflects their Native, multitribal, and multicultural identities. This article is sectioned into four parts in order to resemble the sacred directions that drive the innate core values rooted in ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Indigenous perspectives as applied to civic engagement and education for children and youth in a multicultural society. It is also comprised of short student portraiture interviews with students and teachers and an overview of NACA-Inspired Schools across our network.
机译:本文概述了纳瓦霍人(Diné)K'e模型以及相关的土著和多部落概念,美国原住民社区学院(NACA)的老师,课程主任,教学团队成员,编程导师(阿姨和叔叔),社区合作伙伴,员工和学校领导者从中了解到他们如何设计和实施跨年级和内容的课程。该实践通过土著人的视角提供公民参与和教育,从而指导了NACA的文化响应课程框架和土著人民的固有主权。 K'e是公民土著教育的基石,它立足于土著文化,土著生活方式和土著知识的核心价值观。基本思想是恢复关系和和谐,而不是赋予罪恶感和惩罚。 NACA的学生练习这种恢复性练习,以反映他们的原住民,多部落和多元文化特征。本文分为四个部分,以仿效驱动原始文化核心价值观的神圣方向,这些核心价值观植根于祖先,传统和当代的土著视角,这些视角适用于多元文化社会中的儿童和青年的公民参与和教育。它还包括对学生和老师的简短学生肖像访谈,以及我们网络中NACA启发式学校的概述。



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