首页> 外文期刊>Meat Science >Effects of Chopping Time, Meat Source and Storage Temperature on the Colour of New Zealand Type Fresh Beef Sausages

Effects of Chopping Time, Meat Source and Storage Temperature on the Colour of New Zealand Type Fresh Beef Sausages


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The colour stability of finely chopped fresh sausages made from post-rigor, pre-rigor salt added (1.5% w/w) or pre-rigor no salt added beef mince was evaluated using a Hunter Miniscan (L~* a~* b~*) and sensory colour panel. Batters were chopped for various times and sausages stored at —1.5°, +4.0° and +8.0℃. Regardless of meat source or chopping time, colour stability was greatest at —1.5℃. Panellists found the colour of all sausages stored at —1.5℃ acceptable for at least six days. Sausages made from unsalted pre-rigor mince had markedly better colour stability than those made from the other meats, especially when stored at 4℃ or 8℃.
机译:使用Hunter Miniscan(L〜* a〜* b〜 *)和感官色彩面板。将面糊切碎不同的时间,并将香肠存放在—1.5°,+ 4.0°和+ 8.0℃下。无论肉的来源或切碎时间如何,在-1.5℃时颜色稳定性最高。小组成员发现,在-1.5℃下储存至少6天的所有香肠的颜色都可接受。由未腌制的剁碎肉制成的香肠的颜色稳定性明显优于由其他肉制成的香肠,尤其是在4℃或8℃存放时。



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