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Introducing the Variable through Pattern Exploration Pattern Exploration


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Variables are the basic tool for expressing generalizations. An understanding of the concept of variable is fundamental to our students' success with algebra. Yet this concept is more sophisticated than we realize and is often the stumbling block in our students' algebraic development (Leitzel 1989; NCTM 1989). Traditionally, a students' first encounter with a variable has been in an equation, where it represents an unknown number. Textbooks that follow this approach offer students few opportunities to investigate, explore, and experience the construction of algebra. In recent years, we have begun to question this traditional approach. Curriculum documents now recommend informal, concrete activities in which students investigate patterns in shape and number, formulate verbal rules to describe these patterns, and then look for ways to generalize the situation (Booth and Blane 1992; Morelli 1992; NCTM 1989). Our purpose here is to review this alternative patterning approach and to highlight the difficulties that it can present to students when they lack the requisite skills and knowledge of processes. We then offer some recommendations for establishing these important understandings.
机译:变量是表达概括的基本工具。对变量概念的理解是我们的学生成功使用代数的基础。然而,这个概念比我们意识到的要复杂得多,并且通常是学生代数发展的绊脚石(Leitzel 1989; NCTM 1989)。传统上,学生第一次遇到变量是在一个方程式中,它代表一个未知数。遵循这种方法的教科书为学生提供了很少的机会来研究,探索和体验代数的构建。近年来,我们已经开始质疑这种传统方法。现在的课程文件推荐非正式的,具体的活动,在这些活动中,学生研究形状和数字的模式,制定口头规则来描述这些模式,然后寻找方法来概括这种情况(Booth and Blane 1992; Morelli 1992; NCTM 1989)。在这里,我们的目的是回顾这种替代的构图方法,并突出显示当学生缺乏必要的技能和过程知识时可能给学生带来的困难。然后,我们为建立这些重要的理解提供一些建议。



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