首页> 外文期刊>Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on >The Conceptual Structure of IMS Learning Design Does Not Impede Its Use for Authoring

The Conceptual Structure of IMS Learning Design Does Not Impede Its Use for Authoring


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IMS Learning Design (LD) is the only available interoperability specification in the area of technology enhanced learning that allows the definition and orchestration of complex activity flows and resource environments in a multirole setting. IMS LD has been available since 2003, and yet it has not been widely adopted either by practitioners or by institutions. Much current IMS LD research seems to accept the assumption that a key barrier to adoption is the specification's conceptual complexity impeding the authoring process. This paper presents an empirical study to test this assumption. Study participants were asked to transform a given textual design description into an IMS LD unit of learning using 1) paper snippets representing IMS LD elements and 2) authoring software. The results show that teachers with little or no previous IMS LD knowledge were able to solve a design task that required the use of all IMS LD elements at levels A and B. An additional finding is that the authoring software did not facilitate people in producing better solutions than those who used paper snippets. This evidence suggests that conceptual complexity does not impede effective IMS LD authoring, so the barriers to adoption appear to lie elsewhere.
机译:IMS学习设计(LD)是技术增强型学习领域中唯一可用的互操作性规范,它允许在多角色环境中定义和编排复杂的活动流和资源环境。 IMS LD自2003年开始可用,但尚未被从业人员或机构广泛采用。当前许多IMS LD研究似乎都接受这样一种假设,即采用的主要障碍是规范的概念复杂性阻碍了创作过程。本文提出了一项实证研究来检验该假设。研究参与者被要求使用1)代表IMS LD元素的纸片段和2)创作软件,将给定的文本设计描述转换为IMS LD的学习单元。结果表明,对IMS LD知识了解很少或没有的教师能够完成一项设计任务,要求使用A级和B级的所有IMS LD元素。另一个发现是,创作软件无法帮助人们更好地制作作品解决方案要比那些使用纸片段的解决方案好。该证据表明,概念上的复杂性并不妨碍有效的IMS LD创作,因此采用的障碍似乎存在于其他地方。



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