首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transport Geography >The impacts of high-speed rail extensions on accessibility and spatial equity changes in South Korea from 2004 to 2018

The impacts of high-speed rail extensions on accessibility and spatial equity changes in South Korea from 2004 to 2018


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The construction of South Korean High-Speed Rail (HSR) or Korea Train eXpress (KTX) has been evolving in phases since its first operation in 2004. This development raises concerns whether the benefits from the extended HSR network would again be limited to the initial HSR corridors and will deepen the inequalities in accessibility with the rising issue of uneven regional development of the country. This paper measures the accessibility of each stage of HSR network extension and evaluates its spatial distribution, variation, and changes using weighted averaged travel time and potential accessibility indicators. The results of this study find different accessibility impacts from each stage of HSR extension. Although travel-time reduction and increased attractions have been widened in more cities by each HSR extension, the spatial equity is degenerated by the extension in 2010/2011 as the improvement of accessibility has been concentrated in cities along the primary HSR corridor near the already-advantageous Seoul capital area. In contrast, the future HSR extension in 2018 will enhance equitable accessibility to the isolated regions such as the northeast and the southwest regions of the country. However, the relative degree of accessibility improvement will not be large enough for increasing the spatial equity of accessibility without more extended HSR networks between provinces. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:自2004年首次投入运营以来,韩国高铁(HSR)或Korea Train eXpress(KTX)的建设一直在分阶段进行。这一发展使人们担心,扩展后的HSR网络的收益是否会再次局限于最初的阶段。高铁走廊将随着国家区域发展不平衡问题的加剧而加剧交通不便的现象。本文测量了高铁网络扩展各个阶段的可访问性,并使用加权平均旅行时间和潜在的可访问性指标评估了其空间分布,变化和变化。这项研究的结果发现,高铁延伸的每个阶段都对可访问性产生不同的影响。尽管每次高铁延伸都会在更多城市中减少出行时间的减少和景点的增加,但由于2010/2011年高铁延伸的可及性已经集中在沿高铁主要走廊沿线城市附近,因此空间公平性在2010/2011年因延伸而下降。有利的首尔首都地区。相比之下,2018年未来的高铁延期将提高对偏远地区(如该国东北和西南地区)的公平交通。但是,如果各省之间没有更多扩展的高铁网络,可访问性的相对改善程度将不足以增加可访问性的空间公平性。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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