首页> 外文期刊>Journal of testing and evaluation >Optimization Analysis of the G/G/R Machine Repair Problem With Balking and Reneging

Optimization Analysis of the G/G/R Machine Repair Problem With Balking and Reneging

机译:带有剥皮和剥皮的G / G / R机器维修问题的优化分析

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The G/G/R machine repair problem with balking and reneging via the diffusion approximation approach is investigated. Failed machines balk (do not enter) with a constant probability and renege (leave the queue after entering) according to a general distribution. Failure and repair times of the machines are also generally distributed. The approximate probability density functions of the number of failed machines in the system are developed using diffusion approximation approach. The Newton method and the direct search method are used, respectively, to determine the optimum number of repairmen as well as the optimum value of service rate, to maximize the profit function. Sensitivity analysis with numerical illustration is also provided.
机译:通过扩散近似方法研究了具有回和退回的G / G / R机器维修问题。出现故障的机器将以恒定的概率拒绝(不进入)并根据一般分布放弃(进入后离开队列)。机器的故障和维修时间通常也被分配。使用扩散近似方法开发了系统中故障机器数量的近似概率密度函数。分别使用牛顿法和直接搜索法来确定最佳维修工数和最佳维修率,以最大化利润函数。还提供了带有数字说明的灵敏度分析。



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