首页> 外文期刊>ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 >グループディスカッション参加者の機能的役割とその変遷の分析 -コミュニケーション能力の向上支援に向けて

グループディスカッション参加者の機能的役割とその変遷の分析 -コミュニケーション能力の向上支援に向けて


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More and more companies are putting emphasis on communication skill in the recruitment of their employees and adopt group discussion as part of recruitment interview. In our ongoing project, we aim to develop a training system that can provide advices to its users in improving the perception of their communication skill during group discussion. In order to realize this goal, a conceptual unit or a template of communication style is required. In this paper, we propose the use of functional roles of the participants in group discussion as this unit and report the investigation results on the issues related to adopting functional roles in the support system. At frst, we defne the functional roles which are considered to be appropriate for this purpose and show that the distribution of these roles indeed determines the impression of individual participant's communication skill. In order to incorporate the feature of functional roles into a real-time support sys- tem, the system needs to detect the participants' functional roles from low-level signals which can be processed by computers. In the second part of this paper, we propose a detection model with machine learning techniques and show this is possible. The dynam- ics of the spacial and temporal patterns of the participants' functional roles and their relationship with communication skill can be considered to provide hints for the strategy of the support system. In the third part of this paper, we assume that the current con- versational situation" can be represented by the combination of the functional roles of the participants and conducted the analysis on it. We frst analyzed the relationship of the transitions of conversational situations and communication skill. We then analyzed the patterns of the next role of the current situation regarding to high communication skill participants and low ones. From the results, we found that the participants who were more active in the discussion are generally evaluated with high skill.%グローバル化が進むなか,企業が世界規模の競争で 勝ち抜くために,一人ひとりの社員の専門能力だけで はなく,多種多様な人材が力をあわせてのチームワー クが必要不可欠である.チームワークをスムーズに進 めていくためにメンバーの「コミュニケーション能力」 が求められる.応募者のコミュニケーション能力は, 企業での採用選考で最も重視されるようになってきて おり,経団連による2016 年度新卒採用に関するアン ケート調査結果では,13 年連続で選考にあたって特に 重視した点の第1位になっている[1].厚生労働省主導 の若年者就職基礎能力支援事業[2] でも,コミュニケー ション能力を最初に取り上げ,若者のコミュニケー ション能力などの基礎能力の低下を指摘している.



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