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    Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on

  • 中文名称: 智能交通系统,IEEE事务
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  • ISSN: 1524-9050
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  • 机译 智能交通信号的长期船速预测
    摘要:Yangtze River is probably the world's busiest inland waterway. Ships need to be guided when passing through a controlled waterway based on their long-term speed prediction. Inaccurate ship speed prediction leads to nonoptimal traffic signaling, which may cause a significant traffic jam. For the existing intelligent traffic signaling system, the ship speed is assumed to be constant, which has caused many problems and issues. This paper proposes a novel algorithm to construct an improved multilayer perceptron (MLP) network for accurate long-term ship speed prediction, in which the hidden neurons of the MLP are optimized by the particle swarm optimization method. The effectiveness and efficiency of the method are guaranteed by using the orthogonal least squares method, which is the fast approach for the construction of the MLP network in a stepwise forward procedure. The model is driven by easily acquired dynamic data of the ships, including the speed and the position. The effectiveness of the proposed method is further confirmed by comparing with several traditional modeling techniques. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a ship speed model is built for long-term prediction. The experimental results show that the developed model is in good agreement with the real-life data, with more than 97% accuracy. It will help to generate the optimal traffic commands for Yangtze River in an intelligent traffic signaling system.
  • 机译 节省空间的4WS4WD电动汽车的新型转向系统:设计,建模和路试
    摘要:In this paper, we present a steering system for a space-saving four-wheel steering and four-wheel drive (4WS4WD) electric vehicle (EV) with higher maneuverability and flexibility. The proposed system consists of three main parts, namely, an improved two-front-wheel steering (2FWS) mechanism, an omnidirectional independent steering (OIS) mechanism integrated with steer-by-wire, and a control strategy for the space-saving steering system of an EV. First, the 2FWS mechanism of the proposed 4WS4WD EV is designed to control the front wheels via the redesigned steering system when the vehicle is traveling at high speeds. Second, a retrofitted OIS mechanism is proposed to achieve an angle range of -35° ~ +90°, which is a solid basis for zero radius turning (ZRT) and lateral parking (LP) motion. The driver can control the OIS to turn the four wheels independently, which is assisted by steer-by-wire technologies. Finally, the control strategy for the space-saving steering system of the EV is redefined for the integrated 2FWS and OIS, which can easily handle the EV for high-speed driving or high-maneuverability turning, such as ZRT and LP motion. This system was field tested on a homemade 4WS4WD EV, and the final system simulation and performance evaluation demonstrated the validity of the proposed steering system for the space-saving 4WS4WD EV.
  • 机译 观察交叉口:最近研究的交叉口监控,行为和安全性分析概览
    摘要:Intersections are known for their integral and complex nature due to a variety of the participants' behaviors and interactions. This paper presents a review of recent studies on the behavior at intersections and the safety analysis for three types of participants at intersections: vehicles, drivers, and pedestrians. This paper emphasizes on techniques which are strong candidates for automation with visual sensing technology. A new behavior and safety classification is presented based on key features used for intersection design, planning, and safety. In addition, performance metrics are introduced to evaluate different studies, and insights are provided regarding the state of the art, inputs, algorithms, challenges, and shortcomings.
  • 机译 基于双层特征提取的文本挖掘在铁路系统故障诊断中的应用
    摘要:A vast amount of text data is recorded in the forms of repair verbatim in railway maintenance sectors. Efficient text mining of such maintenance data plays an important role in detecting anomalies and improving fault diagnosis efficiency. However, unstructured verbatim, high-dimensional data, and imbalanced fault class distribution pose challenges for feature selections and fault diagnosis. We propose a bilevel feature extraction-based text mining that integrates features extracted at both syntax and semantic levels with the aim to improve the fault classification performance. We first perform an improved X2 statistics-based feature selection at the syntax level to overcome the learning difficulty caused by an imbalanced data set. Then, we perform a prior latent Dirichlet allocation-based feature selection at the semantic level to reduce the data set into a low-dimensional topic space. Finally, we fuse fault features derived from both syntax and semantic levels via serial fusion. The proposed method uses fault features at different levels and enhances the precision of fault diagnosis for all fault classes, particularly minority ones. Its performance has been validated by using a railway maintenance data set collected from 2008 to 2014 by a railway corporation. It outperforms traditional approaches.
  • 机译 具有三维运输GIS数据库的多层路网中车辆导航的角度差方法
    摘要:Multilevel road networks such as grade-separated interchanges and elevated roads have been increasingly used to solve traffic congestion in large cities. When navigating a vehicle in a multilevel road network, identifying the location of the vehicle in different road levels is of equal importance to identifying its planar location, particularly for overlapping and parallel roads. Although they can be represented and visualized in the existing navigation system, at present, it is difficult to guide a vehicle through such a multilevel road network because the existing vehicle positioning system uses consumer-grade GPS, and the transport geographic information system (GIS-T) database is mainly 2-D-based. The location of a vehicle on diffrent road levels in multilevel road networks is often overlooked. This paper examines the deficiency of existing approaches in supporting vehicle navigation in multilevel road networks with consumer-grade GPS. It proposes to use an angle difference method that compares the vehicle pitch angle with the inclination angles of different road levels calculated from road elevations stored in the proposed GIS-T database to snap the vehicle to the appropriate road level when the vehicle is entering or exiting a multilevel road network. The angle difference method is implemented based on consumer-grade assisted GPS (A-GPS) and onboard vehicle pitch angle measurement with smartphone. Experiment results prove that the angle difference method have high accuracy in determining the road level when the vehicle is driving in a parallel multilevel road network.
  • 机译 通过参数自适应框架将3D LiDAR点云转换为2D密集深度图
    摘要:The 3-D LiDAR scanner and the 2-D charge-coupled device (CCD) camera are two typical types of sensors for surrounding-environment perceiving in robotics or autonomous driving. Commonly, they are jointly used to improve perception accuracy by simultaneously recording the distances of surrounding objects, as well as the color and shape information. In this paper, we use the correspondence between a 3-D LiDAR scanner and a CCD camera to rearrange the captured LiDAR point cloud into a dense depth map, in which each 3-D point corresponds to a pixel at the same location in the RGB image. In this paper, we assume that the LiDAR scanner and the CCD camera are accurately calibrated and synchronized beforehand so that each 3-D LiDAR point cloud is aligned with its corresponding RGB image. Each frame of the LiDAR point cloud is then projected onto the RGB image plane to form a sparse depth map. Then, a self-adaptive method is proposed to upsample the sparse depth map into a dense depth map, in which the RGB image and the anisotropic diffusion tensor are exploited to guide upsampling by reinforcing the RGB-depth compactness. Finally, convex optimization is applied on the dense depth map for global enhancement. Experiments on the KITTI and Middlebury data sets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms several other relevant state-of-the-art methods in terms of visual comparison and root-mean-square error measurement.
  • 机译 导航系统对个人出行的工程,人力和法律挑战
    摘要:Walking is now promoted as an alternative transport mode to polluting cars and as a successful means to improve health and longevity. Intelligent transport systems navigation services are now directly targeting travelers due to smartphones and their embedded sensors. However, after a decade of research, no universal personal navigation system has been successfully introduced and adopted to improve personal mobility. An analysis of the underlying reasons is conducted, looking at the engineering, human, ethical, and legal challenges. First, contrary to adopting classical mechanization equations linked to solid state physics, location technologies must address complex personal dynamics using connected objects. Second, human factors are often not sufficiently considered while designing new technologies. The needs and abilities of travelers are not systematically addressed from a user-centered perspective. Finally, people want to benefit from location-based services without sharing personal location data to uncontrolled third bodies. Europe is a pioneer in the protection of individuals from personal identification through data processing since location data has been recognized as personal data, but the challenges to enforce the regulation are numerous. The recommendation of “privacy by design and default” is an interesting key to conceive the universal personal navigation solution. Alternative solutions are highlighted, but they definitively require a more interdisciplinary conception.
  • 机译 公路车辆轨迹收集和基于场景的车道变化分析:第二部分
    摘要:This two-part paper aims to study lane change behaviors at the tactical level from an on-road perspective. Compared with longitudinal driving tasks, a lane change is more complicated because this task has more interactions with surrounding vehicles; thus, there are more potential risks during this procedure. Based on the results from Part I on an on-road vehicle trajectory collection, this part investigates lane change extraction and scene-based behavior analysis, and it has a particular focus on understanding the interactions between an ego and surrounding vehicles during the procedure. We claim that this paper provides the following novel contributions: 1) an automatic method is proposed for extracting lane change segments from a continuous driving sequence by modeling and recognizing patterns in a steering angle; 2) a lane change database at the trajectory level is generated, which reflects the interactions between an ego and the surrounding vehicles during the procedures; and 3) we present findings from analyzing lane change procedures using real-world data on the axes of both the ego's trajectory and interactions with the scene vehicles. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first lane change behavior study from an on-road perspective that addresses the vehicle interactions in real-world traffic at the trajectory level.
  • 机译 在远红外图像中使用在线增强随机蕨类植物学习进行行人跟踪,以确保夜间安全驾驶
    摘要:Pedestrian-vehicle accidents that occur at night are a major social problem worldwide. Advanced driver assistance systems that are equipped with cameras have been designed to automatically prevent such accidents. Among the various types of cameras used in such systems, far-infrared (FIR) cameras are favorable because they are invariant to illumination changes. Therefore, this paper focuses on a pedestrian nighttime tracking system with an FIR camera that is able to discern thermal energy and is mounted on the forward roof part of a vehicle. Since the temperature difference between the pedestrian and background depends on the season and the weather, we therefore propose two models to detect pedestrians according to the season and the weather, which are determined using Weber-Fechner's law. For tracking pedestrians, we perform real-time online learning to track pedestrians using boosted random ferns and update the trackers at each frame. In particular, we link detection responses to trajectories based on similarities in position, size, and appearance. There is no standard data set for evaluating the tracking performance using an FIR camera; thus, we created the Keimyung University tracking data set (KMUTD) by combining the KMU sudden pedestrian crossing (SPC) data set [21] for summer nights with additional tracking data for winter nights. The KMUTD contains video sequences involving a moving camera, moving pedestrians, sudden shape deformations, unexpected motion changes, and partial or full occlusions between pedestrians at night. The proposed algorithm is successfully applied to various pedestrian video sequences of the KMUTD; specifically, the proposed algorithm yields more accurate tracking performance than other existing methods.
  • 机译 个性化和情境感知的多式联运路线建议:FAVOR算法
    摘要:Route choice in multimodal networks shows a considerable variation between different individuals and the current situational context. Personalization and situation awareness of recommendation algorithms are already common in many areas, e.g., online retail. However, most online routing applications still provide shortest distance or shortest travel-time routes only, neglecting individual preferences, as well as the current situation. Both aspects are of particular importance in a multimodal setting as attractivity of some transportation modes, such as biking, which crucially depend on personal characteristics and exogenous factors, such as the weather. As an alternative, this paper introduces the FAVourite rOUte Recommendation (FAVOUR) approach to provide personalized, situation-aware route proposals based on three steps: first, at the initialization stage, the user provides limited information (home location, work place, mobility options, sociodemographics) used to select one out of a small number of initial profiles. Second, based on this information, a stated preference survey is designed in order to sharpen the profile. In this step, a mass preference prior (MPP) is used to encode the prior knowledge on preferences from the class identified in step one. Third, subsequently, the profile is continuously updated during usage of the routing services. The last two steps use Bayesian learning techniques in order to incorporate information from all contributing individuals. The FAVOUR approach is presented in detail and tested on a small number of survey participants. The experimental results on this real-world dataset show that FAVOUR generates better quality recommendations w.r.t. alternative learning algorithms from the literature. In particular, the definition of the MPP for initialization of step two is shown to provide better predictions than a number of alternatives from the literature.
  • 机译 基于自适应容错GOF算法的多传感器导航系统
    摘要:This paper describes an adaptive fault-tolerant multisensor integrated navigation system. The proposed system uses a decentralized filtering architecture to fuse inertial navigation system (INS), GNSS, and Locata sensor subsystems. In order to improve system accuracy, the global optimal filtering (GOF) algorithm is implemented. The GNSS and Locata subsystems are separately integrated with the INS to obtain the local prediction and local estimation based on the GNSS/INS and Locata/ INS combinations. The GOF algorithm is then applied to fuse the local and global information to generate the optimal state estimation of the GNSS/Locata/INS navigation system. The adaptive fault-tolerant algorithm is based on the innovation covariance discrepancy, which mainly adapts to the changes in sensor measurement statistical properties and mitigates the adverse influence caused by these changes. It is found that the GOF algorithm does improve the accuracy of the navigation solution compared with conventional filtering. To evaluate the fault-tolerant ability of the proposed system, a series of GNSS failures is simulated. The results show that the proposed system can mitigate the effect of the failures, which verify the higher reliability and fault-tolerant capability of the proposed system.
  • 机译 城市公共巴士系统的电动汽车充电站布置
    摘要:Due to the low pollution and sustainable properties, using electric buses for public transportation systems has attracted considerable attention, whereas how to recharge the electric buses with long continuous service hours remains an open problem. In this paper, we consider the problem of placing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at selected bus stops, to minimize the total installation cost of charging stations. Specifically, we study two EV charging station placement cases, with and without considering the limited battery size, which are called ECSP_LB and ECSP problems, respectively. The solution of the ECSP problem achieves the lower bound compared with the solution of the ECSP_LB problem, and the larger the battery size of the EV, the lower the overall cost of the charging station installation. For both cases, we prove that the placement problems under consideration are NP-hard and formulate them into integer linear programming. Specifically, for the ECSP problem we design a linear programming relaxation algorithm to get a suboptimal solution and derive an approximation ratio of the algorithm. Moreover, we derive the condition of the battery size when the ECSP problem can be applied. For the ECSP_LB problem, we show that, for a single bus route, the problem can be optimally solved with a backtracking algorithm, whereas for multiple bus routes we propose two heuristic algorithms, namely, multiple backtracking and greedy algorithms. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
  • 机译 ITS中的分层和网络车辆监控:一项调查
    摘要:Traffic surveillance has become an important topic in intelligent transportation systems (ITSs), which is aimed at monitoring and managing traffic flow. With the progress in computer vision, video-based surveillance systems have made great advances on traffic surveillance in ITSs. However, the performance of most existing surveillance systems is susceptible to challenging complex traffic scenes (e.g., object occlusion, pose variation, and cluttered background). Moreover, existing related research is mainly on a single video sensor node, which is incapable of addressing the surveillance of traffic road networks. Accordingly, we present a review of the literature on the video-based vehicle surveillance systems in ITSs. We analyze the existing challenges in video-based surveillance systems for the vehicle and present a general architecture for video surveillance systems, i.e., the hierarchical and networked vehicle surveillance, to survey the different existing and potential techniques. Then, different methods are reviewed and discussed with respect to each module. Applications and future developments are discussed to provide future needs of ITS services.
  • 机译 解决冲突的公交信号优先权请求的决策模型
    • 作者:Zhirui Ye;Mingtao Xu;
    • 刊名:Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
    • 2017年第1期
    摘要:Resolving conflicting transit signal priority (TSP) requests has become an emerging topic in public transportation studies. The main objective of TSP is to reduce schedule deviation and enhance the reliability of bus service, whereas many previous studies have aimed at reducing priority delay. Furthermore, they did not take into account the element of waiting time experienced by passengers at bus stops. Therefore, this paper selects in-bus passenger delay and passenger waiting delay at next bus stops as the indexes to measure the priority level of TSP requests. Here, a decision model is proposed. It favors a bus with long delay and adds in-bus passenger delay and passenger waiting delay at next stops for buses requesting the same TSP actions. A case study is conducted to examine the performance of the proposed model, which was compared with the baseline model (no TSP), the conventional model (Model 1) using the first-in-first-service policy, and a typical optimization model (Model 2) developed in previous studies. Results show that the proposed model significantly outperformed the other three models. Specifically, the proposed model reduced average passenger waiting delay by 20.4%, 16.2%, and 12.2% over the baseline model, Model 1, and Model 2, respectively. The average in-bus passenger delay was reduced by 14.2% over the baseline method, by 10.3% over Model 1, and by 6.6% over Model 2. At the same time, the passenger delay of other vehicles for the proposed model was 8.8% and 4.8% lower than those of Model 1 and Model 2, respectively.
  • 机译 用于铁路轨道检查的深度多任务学习
    摘要:Railroad tracks need to be periodically inspected and monitored to ensure safe transportation. Automated track inspection using computer vision and pattern recognition methods has recently shown the potential to improve safety by allowing for more frequent inspections while reducing human errors. Achieving full automation is still very challenging due to the number of different possible failure modes, as well as the broad range of image variations that can potentially trigger false alarms. In addition, the number of defective components is very small, so not many training examples are available for the machine to learn a robust anomaly detector. In this paper, we show that detection performance can be improved by combining multiple detectors within a multitask learning framework. We show that this approach results in improved accuracy for detecting defects on railway ties and fasteners.
  • 机译 道路车辆轨迹收集和基于场景的车道变化分析:第一部分
    摘要:This two-part paper aims to study lane change behaviors at the tactical level from an on-road perspective, with a special focus on analyzing the interactions between an ego and surrounding vehicles during the procedure. Part I addresses vehicle trajectory collection, whereas Part II addresses lane change extraction and scene-based behavioral analysis. Different from the general technique of moving object detection and tracking, trajectory collection for tactical driving behavior study is required to have the properties of consistency, completeness, continuity, and accuracy. This paper proposes a system of on-road vehicle trajectory collection, where an instrumented vehicle is developed with multiple horizontal 2-D lidars that have 360° coverage. The software is developed by fitting the laser points of all lidars on a vehicle model using a coupled estimation of features and reliability along frames to achieve accurate state estimations of occluded data and robust data association in multiviewpoint sensing. The performance is investigated extensively, and a large trajectory set is developed through on-road driving at the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing for a total distance of 64 km, with more than 5700 environmental trajectories with a total length of over 19 h. The performance is demonstrated to be of high quality in terms of the required properties. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first system that is able to automatically collect all-around vehicle trajectories during on-road driving and to demonstrate good performance in providing a high-quality database for driving behavior studies from an on-road perspective that addresses vehicle interactions in real-world traffic at the trajectory level.
  • 机译 随机通信延迟下的稳定性和频率响应及其在连接巡航控制设计中的应用
    摘要:In this paper we investigate connected cruise control in which vehicles rely on ad hoc wireless vehicle-to-vehicle communication to control their longitudinal motion. Intermittencies and packet drops in communication channels are shown to introduce stochastic delays in the feedback loops. Sufficient conditions for almost sure stability of equilibria are derived by analyzing the mean and covariance dynamics. In addition, the concept of nσ string stability is proposed to characterize the input–output response in steady state. The stability results are summarized using stability charts in the plane of the control gains and we demonstrate that the stable regimes shrink when the sampling time or the packet drop ratio increases. The mathematical tools developed allow us to design controllers that can achieve plant stability and string stability in connected vehicle systems despite the presence of stochastically varying delays in the control loop.
  • 机译 高速磁悬浮系统的并行控制和管理
    摘要:This paper puts forward a systems approach for the parallel control and management of the high-speed maglev system (HMS). An artificial HMS is first established by using a multiagent-based technique, and we demonstrate its consistence with the actual HMS. We then conduct some computational experiments and summarize some operational rules for the artificial HMS. Finally, the parallel control and management for the HMS are achieved by parallel execution of the artificial and actual HMSs with parallel interactions between them. We evaluate our approach overall by ensuring the safety and reliability of the HMS through parallel control and management. The solutions and recommendations for the safety control and effective management of the HMS can be provided by the proposed approach.
  • 机译 两相充电站的空间感知建模
    摘要:In order to match the energy demand of electric vehicles to the capacity of the power grid, it is fundamental to understand the occupancy of charging stations and to react accordingly. A Markov model of a fast charging station for lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, i.e., the most prevalent type today, is proposed. Li-Ion batteries present a two-step charging profile, making energy management particularly challenging. A wide range of situations is covered by considering three types of scenarios with and without waiting lines. The analytical results obtained from the steady-state solution of the Markov model reveal the behavior of multiple variables of interest: availability of the charging station to accept new customers (in terms of space and energy), number of customers, energy consumption, and power utilization. From the results, indicators for assessing the quality of service of the charging station are derived. Based on these indicators, customers may decide either to wait or to head toward another station. The owners of the stations, in turn, can predict the impact of investments in space and energy provisioning, when devising capacity planning strategies.
  • 机译 关于移动观察者方法的一种变体
    摘要:The mobile observer method has been used by traffic engineers since the middle of the last century to estimate traffic velocity, flow and density. Although simple and intuitive, the method suffers from two major issues. First, the vehicle must traverse a given road segment both in the direction of the traffic whose parameters are of interest and also in the opposite direction, essentially driving in a loop. Second, to get accurate results, several runs must be taken and the results aggregated. Our variant utilizes the communication capabilities in present-day vehicles to mitigate both these issues, thus enabling faster and more accurate traffic maps and traffic routing applications. Extensive simulation results have confirmed that our variant of the mobile observer method is comparable in accuracy with the stationary observer method even at lower flow rates.
  • 机译 改进的规则定义,用于软件定义的车联网中的实时查询服务
    摘要:Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has gained considerable attention from industry and academia due to the development of communication technology and smart city. However, a proprietary and closed way of operating hardware in network equipment slows down the progress of new service deployment and extension in IoV. Moreover, the tightly coupled control and data planes in traditional networks significantly increase the complexity and cost of network management. By proposing a novel architecture, i.e., software-defined IoV (SDIV), we adopt a software-defined network (SDN) architecture to address these problems by leveraging its separation of the control plane from the data one and a uniform way to configure heterogeneous switches. However, IoV characteristics introduce some great challenges in rule installation due to the limited size of flow tables at OpenFlow-enabled switches that are the main SDN component. It is necessary to build compact flow tables for IoV scalability. Accordingly, we develop a novel rule installation mechanism to reduce the number of rules for real-time query services in SDIV. We separate the wired data plane from the wireless one and use multicast addresses in the latter. We introduce a destination-driven model in the wired data plane to reduce the number of rules at switches. Experiments with a real data trace show that the developed approach significantly reduces the number of rules without degrading the performance of data transmissions for real-time query services in IoV.
  • 机译 具有学习策略的强大立体声数据成本
    摘要:The performance of stereo matching algorithms strongly depends on the quality of the stereo data/matching cost. Most state-of-the-art data costs require expert knowledge for the design of a transformation function, such as census for handling gray-level changes monotonically, adaptive normalized cross correlation for handling Lambertian cases, guided filtering for preserving edge information, and local density encoding for handling illumination differences. However, it is difficult to design a complex transformation function to handle unknown factors that often occur in driving conditions such as snow, rain, and sun. Therefore, this paper has investigated the deep learning strategy to develop a novel stereo matching cost model without using much expert knowledge. Experimental results show that the proposed deep learning model obtains better results than the state-of-the-art stereo matching cost as judged by the standard KITTI benchmark, Middlebury, and HCI datasets.
  • 机译 行人和骑自行车者并发检测的统一框架
    摘要:Extensive research interest has been focused on protecting vulnerable road users in recent years, particularly pedestrians and cyclists, due to their attributes of vulnerability. However, comparatively little effort has been spent on detecting pedestrian and cyclist together, particularly when it concerns quantitative performance analysis on large datasets. In this paper, we present a unified framework for concurrent pedestrian and cyclist detection, which includes a novel detection proposal method (termed UB-MPR) to output a set of object candidates, a discriminative deep model based on Fast R-CNN for classification and localization, and a specific postprocessing step to further improve detection performance. Experiments are performed on a new pedestrian and cyclist dataset containing 30 490 annotated pedestrian and 26 771 cyclist instances in over 50 000 images, recorded from a moving vehicle in the urban traffic of Beijing. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods significantly.
  • 机译 移动LiDAR点云中路灯杆的快速定位和提取:基于Supervoxel的方法
    摘要:This paper presents a supervoxel-based approach for automated localization and extraction of street light poles in point clouds acquired by a mobile LiDAR system. The method consists of five steps: preprocessing, localization, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. First, the raw point clouds are divided into segments along the trajectory, the ground points are removed, and the remaining points are segmented into supervoxels. Then, a robust localization method is proposed to accurately identify the pole-like objects. Next, a localization-guided segmentation method is proposed to obtain pole-like objects. Subsequently, the pole features are classified using the support vector machine and random forests. The proposed approach was evaluated on three datasets with 1,055 street light poles and 701 million points. Experimental results show that our localization method achieved an average recall value of 98.8%. A comparative study proved that our method is more robust and efficient than other existing methods for localization and extraction of street light poles.
  • 机译 视觉监控驾驶员和乘客控制面板的相互作用
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
    • 2017年第2期
    摘要:Advances in vehicular technology have resulted in more controls being incorporated into cabin designs. We present a system to determine which vehicle occupant is interacting with a control on the center console when it is activated, enabling the full use of dual-view touchscreens and the removal of duplicate controls. The proposed method relies on a background subtraction algorithm incorporating information from a superpixel segmentation stage. A manifold generated via the diffusion maps process handles the large variation in hand shapes, along with determining which part of the hand interacts with controls for a given gesture. We demonstrate superior results compared with other approaches on a challenging dataset.
  • 机译 车载互联网基于视觉的定位
    摘要:This paper presents an algorithm for ego-positioning by using a low-cost monocular camera for systems based on the Internet-of-Vehicles. To reduce the computational and memory requirements, as well as the communication load, we tackle the model compression task as a weighted k-cover problem for better preserving the critical structures. For real-world vision-based positioning applications, we consider the issue of large scene changes and introduce a model update algorithm to address this problem. A large positioning data set containing data collected for more than a month, 106 sessions, and 14 275 images is constructed. Extensive experimental results show that submeter accuracy can be achieved by the proposed ego-positioning algorithm, which outperforms existing vision-based approaches.
  • 机译 基于共识的卡车编队算法
    摘要:The platooning of trucks can be considered to be a potential approach to mitigate some of the negative effects that trucking can have on traffic streams. This paper proposes a cooperative distributed approach for forming/modifying platoons of trucks based on consensus algorithms. In this approach, trucks exchange information about their current status in real time, and the platoon is formed in consecutive iterations. This distributed consensus-based algorithm is compared with a centralized optimization-based algorithm for truck platooning, in which the trucks move with a set of predetermined speeds for a definite amount of time to form a platoon. The two approaches are tested and compared using various scenarios generated based on real data collected on a highway in Basel, Switzerland. Based on the results, the consensus-based algorithm proved to be a more general scheme that is able to form platoons even in cases with large initial separation of trucks. This algorithm is able to handle complex situations using its capability to form partial platoons.
  • 机译 基于巷道几何约束的运动车辆跟踪与行为推理
    摘要:Tracking and behavior reasoning of surrounding vehicles on a roadway are keys for the development of automated vehicles and an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). Based on dynamic information of the surrounding vehicles from the tracking algorithm and driver intentions from the behavior reasoning algorithm, the automated vehicles and ADAS can predict possible collisions and generate safe motion to avoid accidents. This paper presents a unified vehicle tracking and behavior reasoning algorithm that can simultaneously estimate the vehicle dynamic state and driver intentions. The multiple model filter based on various behavior models was used to classify the vehicle behavior and estimate the dynamic state of surrounding vehicles. In addition, roadway geometry constraints were applied to the unified vehicle tracking and behavior reasoning algorithm in order to improve the dynamic state estimation and the behavior classification performance. The curvilinear coordinate system was constructed based on the precise map information in order to apply the roadway geometry to the tracking and behavior reasoning algorithm. The proposed algorithm was verified and evaluated through experiments under various test scenarios. From the experimental results, we concluded that the presented tracking and behavior reasoning algorithm based on the roadway geometry constraints provides sufficient accuracy and reliability for automated vehicles and ADAS applications.
  • 机译 使用V2V和V2I通信的基于速度预测的实时能源管理策略
    摘要:The performance of energy management in hybrid electric vehicles is highly dependent on the forecasted velocity. To this end, a new velocity-prediction approach utilizing the concept of chaining neural network (CNN) is introduced. This velocity forecasting approach is subsequently used as the basis for an equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS). The CNN is used to predict the velocity over different temporal horizons, exploiting the information provided through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication channels. In addition, a new adaptation law for the so-called equivalent factor (EF) in ECMS is devised to investigate the effects of future velocity on fuel economy and to impose charge sustainability. Compared with traditional adaptation law, this paper considers the impact of predicted velocity on EF. The control objective is to improve the fuel economy relative to the ECMS without considering predicted velocity. Finally, simulations are conducted in three cases over different prediction horizons to demonstrate the performance of the proposed velocity-prediction method and ECMS with adaptation law. Simulation results confirm that ECMS with EF adjusted by the proposed adaptation law produces between 0.2% and 5% improvements in fuel economy relative to ECMS with traditional adaptation law. In addition, better charge sustainability is achieved as well.
  • 机译 通过Spa2-−p极小化和轨迹相似性的稀疏重建进行车辆行为学习
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
    • 2017年第2期
    摘要:Vehicle behavior learning can be used in video surveillance systems to identify normal and abnormal vehicle motion patterns for the management of traffic operations, public services, and law enforcement. The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel adaptive sparse reconstruction method for vehicle behavior learning based on video surveillance systems. First, the ℓ0 minimization problem of sparse reconstruction is relaxed to the ℓp minimization problem (0<1). A hybrid algorithm orthogonal matching pursuit—quasi-Newton is proposed to effectively find the sparse solutions. Then, a sparse reconstruction and similarity-based trajectory classifier is developed to learn vehicle behavior based on the sparse solutions and the trajectory similarity. In order to validate the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed method, four datasets, including CROSS, i-LIDA, Stop Sign, and I5 are used in the experiments. The results show that the classification and the anomaly detection accuracies of the proposed method are superior to the representative methods, including the Naïve Bayes classifier, k nearest neighbor, support vector machine, and traditional sparse reconstruction-based trajectory learning methods.
  • 机译 测量城市轨道交通网络的线路多样性:以北京地铁网为例
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
    • 2017年第2期
    摘要:Most stations and tracks in metro networks are irreplaceable due to daily operations. If any of them were disrupted, it would impact not only the individual metro line but also the whole metro network. Therefore, metro managers need to have a good understanding of alternative routes between each pair of stations in the metro network. In the event of incidents, metro managers can make use of this information to reroute passengers to minimize the impact of disruptions. This paper aims to develop a route diversity index to address two questions: “how many reasonable routes are there for passengers between any two stations in normal operations or in the event of a disruption ?” and “which stations are most vulnerable (i.e., the largest impact to the overall metro network when they are disrupted)?” To implement this measure in practice, definitions of routes and route diversity and a solution algorithm based on characteristics of metro networks are described to calculate the route diversity index. To show proof of the concept, a simple network example and a real-world network based on the Beijing Metro network in China are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the route diversity index and its application to a real-world metro network.
  • 机译 混合交通环境下联网车辆跟车行为标定的最优估计方法
    摘要:In the test bed of connected vehicles, detailed trajectory data are collected for connected vehicles only. It brings challenges to study the car-following behavior of connected vehicles following nonconnected vehicles. This paper proposes an optimal estimation approach to calibrate connected vehicles' car-following behavior in a mixed traffic environment. Particularly, the state-space system dynamics is captured by the simplified car-following model with disturbances, where the trajectory of nonconnected vehicles are considered as unknown states, and the trajectory of connected vehicles are considered as measurements with errors. The objective of the reformulation is to obtain an optimal estimation of states and model parameters simultaneously. It is shown that the customized state-space model is identifiable with the mild assumption that the disturbance covariance of the state update process is diagonal. Then, a modified expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm based on the Kalman smoother is developed to solve the optimal estimation problem. The performance of the EM algorithm is validated through simulation data. The second part of this paper applies the empirical data of connected vehicles from the Michigan test bed and analyzes the mobility impact of connected vehicles with different penetration rates and demand scenarios.
  • 机译 基于多类交通流和排放模型的高速公路网络模型预测控制
    摘要:The main aim of this paper is to use multi-class macroscopic traffic flow and emission models for Model Predictive Control (MPC) for traffic networks. In particular, we use and compare extended versions of multi-class METANET, FASTLANE, multi-class VT-macro, and multi-class VERSIT+. In addition, end-point penalties based on these multi-class traffic flow and emission models are also included in the objective function of MPC to account for the behavior of the traffic system beyond the prediction horizon. A simulation experiment is implemented to evaluate the multi-class models. The results show that the approaches based on multi-class METANET and the extended emission models (multi-class VT-macro or multi-class VERSIT+) can improve the control performance for the total time spent and the total emissions with respect to the non-control case, and they are more capable of dealing with the queue length constraints than the approaches based on FASTLANE. Including end-point penalties can further improve the control performance with a small sacrifice in the computational efficiency for the approaches based on multi-class METANET but not for the approaches based on FASTLANE.
  • 机译 考虑侧滑和有限转向操纵的基于曲率的拖车路径地面车辆控制
    • 作者:Zhe Leng;Mark A. Minor;
    • 刊名:Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
    • 2017年第2期
    摘要:In this paper, a curvature-based control method capable of both forward and backward path following is developed for off-axle hitching trailers. Compared with earlier methods, this controller handles varying path curvature better while also being easy to implement and tune. The controller also addresses two major issues that deteriorate tracking accuracy: limited steering actuation and sideslip. An active speed limiter brakes the vehicle when the steering angle error is too high and therefore allows the same set of control gains to work across a relatively large range of reference speeds without significantly increasing lateral error or losing stability, which further simplifies controller tuning. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) sideslip estimator is designed to allow sideslip compensation, which considers the varying noise magnitude in GPS measurements caused by varying vehicle speeds so that the braking maneuver will not significantly deteriorate the estimations. To our knowledge, this paper presents the first publication of these two algorithms with trailer control. This method is compared with results from two earlier hitch-angle-based control methods in simulation and experiment. The active speed limiter and the EKF are also implemented on these control methods for fair comparison, during which it is found that the two algorithms can directly work with other control methods and benefit their performance. The results show the curvature-based controller provides better maneuverability and reduced tracking error.
  • 机译 通过基于节点的瓶颈预测和V2X通信来增加流量
    摘要:Transport delays due to traffic jams are manifested in many urban areas worldwide. To make road traffic networks more efficient, intelligent transport services are currently being developed and deployed. In order to mitigate (or even avoid) congestion, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications provide a means for cooperation and intelligent route management in transport networks. This paper introduces the novel predictive congestion minimization in combination with an A*-based router (PCMA*) algorithm, which provides a comprehensive framework for detection, prediction, and avoidance of traffic congestion. It assumes utilization of vehicle-to-X communication for transmission of contemporary vehicle data such as route source and destination or current position, as well as for provision of the routing advice for vehicles. PCMA* further contains a component for intelligent selection of vehicles to be rerouted in case of a congestion, as well as an A*-based routing algorithm, taking into consideration the current road conditions and predicted future congestion. We prove the performance by dynamic microscopic traffic simulations in a real-world and an artificial road network scenario. Due to the well-performing prediction, the results reveal substantial advantages in terms of time and fuel consumption compared not only with situations with no active rerouting system but also with simple rerouting algorithms and more sophisticated approaches from literature.
  • 机译 用于低速巴士制动辅助的主动安全系统
    摘要:Accidents in which buses or coaches are involved cause thousands of injuries and fatalities every year. To reduce their number and severity, this paper describes an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) based on a haptic throttle pedal and emergency braking. It also proposes a computationally efficient algorithm with a methodology based on three main concepts: a simplified but accurate vehicle model, an efficient collision detection system considering the driver's intention and pedestrians wandering around the vehicle, and a risk evaluation system to generate warnings and emergency braking signals. Finally, the performance of the proposed ADAS is validated using a driving simulation cabin with a very realistic urban scenario and original elements from real buses. The results show a statistically significant improvement in safety, as the number of collisions and high-risk situations are clearly minimized, the reaction time to press the brake pedal is improved, and the time to collision increased in emergency situations. Implementation of the proposed ADAS into city buses would potentially improve safety, reducing the frequency and severity of accidents in pedestrians.
  • 机译 评估路线选择以减轻老年驾驶员风险
    摘要:Older drivers face decline in perceptual, cognitive, and motor abilities, and yet, increased fragility largely explains their increased risk of fatal crashes. Adaptation and self-regulation explain why older drivers can be safe drivers in the face of declining ability. Left turns and U-turns are particularly challenging, accounting for 10% of crashes for drivers aged 60–69 and increasing to 32% for those over 80. To mitigate these driving challenges through more effective adaptation, a route risk measure was developed. The route risk measure quantifies the risk of driving challenges such as left turns, U-turns, and trip length using older driver crash statistics from the General Estimates System. We applied the risk measure to 1253 trips taken by 39 urban and rural older drivers residing in Wisconsin. A search for a low-risk alternative route was conducted by applying the measure to corresponding routes suggested by Google Maps. Results showed that the low-risk alternative reduced risk for 77.7% of the older drivers' trips, on average, by 61.4%. The low-risk alternative had 1.50 fewer left turns and 0.23 fewer U-turns and were 0.44 mi shorter. Thus, selecting low-risk alternatives from the routes suggested by Google could help drivers avoid challenging maneuvers, potentially reducing their crash risk by promoting more effective adaptation to their declining abilities.
  • 机译 基于眼睛状态鲁棒性视觉分析的公交驾驶员疲劳检测
    摘要:Driver's fatigue is one of the major causes of traffic accidents, particularly for drivers of large vehicles (such as buses and heavy trucks) due to prolonged driving periods and boredom in working conditions. In this paper, we propose a vision-based fatigue detection system for bus driver monitoring, which is easy and flexible for deployment in buses and large vehicles. The system consists of modules of head-shoulder detection, face detection, eye detection, eye openness estimation, fusion, drowsiness measure percentage of eyelid closure (PERCLOS) estimation, and fatigue level classification. The core innovative techniques are as follows: 1) an approach to estimate the continuous level of eye openness based on spectral regression; and 2) a fusion algorithm to estimate the eye state based on adaptive integration on the multimodel detections of both eyes. A robust measure of PERCLOS on the continuous level of eye openness is defined, and the driver states are classified on it. In experiments, systematic evaluations and analysis of proposed algorithms, as well as comparison with ground truth on PERCLOS measurements, are performed. The experimental results show the advantages of the system on accuracy and robustness for the challenging situations when a camera of an oblique viewing angle to the driver's face is used for driving state monitoring.
  • 机译 具有智能电网的高性价比CBTC系统的认知控制方法
    摘要:Communication-based train control (CBTC) systems use wireless local area networks for information transmission between trains and wayside equipment. Since inevitable packet delay and drop are introduced in train–wayside communications, information uncertainties in trains' states will lead to unplanned traction/braking demands, as well as waste in electrical energy. Moreover, with the introduction of regenerative braking technology, power grids in CBTC systems are evolving to smart grids, and cost-aware power management should be employed to reduce the total financial cost of consumed electrical energy. In this paper, a cognitive control method for CBTC systems with smart grids is presented to enhance both train operation performance and cost efficiency. We formulate a cognitive control system model for CBTC systems. The information gap in cognitive control is calculated to analyze how the train–wayside communications affect the operation of trains. The Q-learning algorithm is used in the proposed cognitive control method, and a joint objective function composed of the information gap and the total financial cost is applied to generate optimal policy. The medium-access control layer retry-limit adaption and traction strategy selection are adopted as cognitive actions. Extensive simulation results show that the cost efficiency and train operation performance of CBTC systems are substantially improved using our proposed cognitive control method.
  • 机译 稀疏快速衰减多径信道上的代码辅助信道跟踪和解码及其在训练骨干网中的应用
    摘要:In a fast-fading environment, e.g., high-speed railway communications, channel estimation and tracking require the availability of a number of pilot symbols that is at least as large as the number of independent channel parameters. Aiming at reducing the number of necessary pilot symbols, this work proposes a novel technique for joint channel tracking and decoding, which is based on the following three ideas. 1) Sparsity: While the total number of channel parameters to be estimated is large, the actual number of independent multipath components is generally small; 2) Long-term versus short-term channel parameters: Each multipath component is typically characterized by long-term parameters that slowly change with respect to the duration of a transmission time slot, such as delays or average power values, and by fast-varying fading amplitudes; and 3) Code-aided methods: Decision-feedback techniques can optimally leverage past, and partially reliable, decisions on the data symbols to obtain “virtual” pilots via the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm. Numerical results show that the proposed code-aided EM algorithm is effective in performing joint channel tracking and decoding even for velocities as high as 350 km/h, as in high-speed railway communications, and with as few as four pilots per orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing data symbol, as in the IEEE 802.11a/p standards, outperforming existing schemes at the cost of larger computational complexity.
  • 机译 基于可靠性的城市干道交通信号控制
    摘要:It is widely accepted that travelers value both the reliability of travel time and its mean or expected value. Strategies for traffic signal control typically seek to optimize average travel times, although reliability is in general not explicitly taken into account. In this paper, we propose a new framework for evaluating the consequences of signal-control tactics on both reliability and expected values of travel time, based on an analytic model of travel time distribution. A genetic-algorithm-based approach is then employed to identify optimal multicriteria signal control strategies, including sensitivity analysis, to the relative weighting between reliability and expected value. We expose the properties of the proposed framework via an empirical case study of four alternative optimization approaches (the signal setting optimized with the traditional Webster's method, TRANSYT model, and the newly proposed model) under various traffic conditions. Results indicate that the newly proposed framework outperforms the alternative signal control strategies in terms of both travel-time variability and expected travel time.
  • 机译 从人群轨迹数据自动进行交叉口映射
    摘要:Driver assistance systems and automated driving are known to strongly benefit from digital maps. Keeping map attributes up to date is a challenge, particularly for the current manual measuring approach. In this paper, we present methods to extract information about intersections and traffic lights through a crowdsourcing approach. We use position and dynamic data from a fleet of test vehicles with close-to-market sensors. A statistical hypothesis test is proposed to identify groups of driving directions at an entry of an intersection, which have synchronous traffic light signaling. This information is used to improve the detection of the relevant traffic light signal in case there is a different signaling for the driving directions. Based on a test data set, we classified whether the signaling is synchronous or not with an accuracy of 93.8%. To assess the usefulness of our mapping scheme, we have investigated its contribution to a camera-based traffic light recognition system. An evaluation of the use of additional map information for the traffic light detection was performed on a set of 344 logged intersection crossings from this vehicle. We showed that there is an improvement in the accuracy up to 5.2%, dependent on the test conditions.
  • 机译 聚类智能卡数据以进行城市交通分析
    摘要:Smart card data gathered by automated fare collection (AFC) systems are valuable resources for studying urban mobility. In this paper, we propose two approaches to cluster smart card data, which can be used to extract mobility patterns in a public transportation system. Two complementary standpoints are considered: a station-oriented operational point of view and a passenger-focused one. The first approach clusters stations based on when their activity occurs, i.e., how trips made at the stations are distributed over time. The second approach makes it possible to identify groups of passengers that have similar boarding times aggregated into weekly profiles. By applying our approaches to a real data set issued from the metropolitan area of Rennes, France, we illustrate how they can help reveal valuable insights about urban mobility, such as the presence of different station key roles, including residential stations used mostly in the mornings and work stations used only in the evening and almost exclusively during weekdays, as well as different passenger behaviors ranging from the sporadic and diffuse usage to typical commute practices. By cross comparing passenger clusters with fare types, we also highlight how certain usages are more specific to particular types of passengers.
  • 机译 EcoTrec –一种基于VANET的新颖方法,可减少车辆排放
    摘要:There are interdependent increases in vehicle numbers, vehicular traffic congestion, and carbon emissions that cause major problems worldwide. These problems include direct negative influences on people's health, adverse economic effects, negative social impacts, local environmental damage, and risk of catastrophic global climate change. There is a drastic need to develop ways to reduce these emissions and EcoTrec, presented in this paper, is one of these innovative approaches. EcoTrec is a vehicular ad hoc network-based vehicle routing solution designed to reduce vehicle carbon emissions without significantly affecting the travel times of vehicles. The vehicles exchange messages related to traffic and road conditions, such as average speed on the road, road gradient, and surface condition. This information is used to build a fuel efficiency model of the routes, based on which the vehicles are recommended to take more efficient routes. By routing vehicles more efficiently, the greenhouse emissions are reduced while also maintaining low traffic congestion levels. This paper presents results of extensive simulations, which show how EcoTrec outperforms other state-of-the-art solutions with different number of vehicles, vehicle penetration, and compliance rates, and when considering different real world road maps from Dublin and Koln.
  • 机译 基于新型密集消失点估计的多车道检测算法
    摘要:The detection of multiple curved lane markings is still a challenge for advanced driver assistance systems today, due to interference such as road markings and shadows cast by roadside structures and vehicles. The vanishing point Vp contains the global information of the road image. Hence, Vp-based lane detection algorithms are quite insensitive to interference. When curved lanes are assumed, Vp shifts with respect to the rows of the image. In this paper, a Vp for each individual row of the image is estimated by first extracting a Vpy (vertical position of the Vp) for each individual row of the image from the v-disparity. Then, based on the estimated Vpy's, a 2-D Vpx (horizontal position of the Vp) accumulator is efficiently formed. Thus, by globally optimizing this 2-D Vpx accumulator, globally optimum Vp s for the road image are extracted. Then, estimated Vp s are utilized for multiple curved lane marking detection on nonflat road surfaces. The resultant system achieves a detection rate of 99% in 1862 frames of six stereo vision test sequences.
  • 机译 实用的多准则城市自行车路线
    摘要:Increasing the adoption of cycling is crucial for achieving more sustainable urban mobility. Navigating larger cities on a bike is, however, often challenging due to the cities' fragmented cycling infrastructure and/or complex terrain topology. Cyclists would thus benefit from intelligent route planning that would help them discover routes that best suit their transport needs and preferences. Because of the many factors cyclists consider in deciding their routes, employing a multicriteria route search is vital for properly accounting for cyclists' route-choice criteria. A direct application of optimal multicriteria route search algorithms is, however, not feasible due to their prohibitive computational complexity. In this paper, we formalize a multicriteria bicycle routing problem and propose several heuristics for speeding up the multicriteria route search. We evaluate our method on a real-world cycleway network and show that speedups of up to four orders of magnitude over the standard multicriteria label-setting algorithm are possible with a reasonable loss of solution quality. Our results make it possible to practically deploy bicycle route planners capable of producing diverse high-quality route suggestions respecting multiple real-world route-choice criteria.
  • 机译 铁路信号逻辑中验证和测试点优先排序的形式方法
    摘要:The EN50128 Railway Safety Standard recommends the use of formal methods for proving the correctness of the yard-specific logic, which was developed for electronic signaling and interlocking systems. We present a tool flow, which consists of three components. The core component uses a novel method for automatically generating the relevant safety properties for a yard from its control table. The second component proves the validity of the properties on the application logic by using a new theory of invariant checking. The third component leverages the suite of formal properties to prioritize site acceptance test points. Experimental results are presented on real application data for the yards in India that are demonstrating the performance of the proposed methods.
  • 机译 一种提高基于轴的自动车辆分类器准确性的概率方法
    摘要:This paper details a simple and novel approach to solve the assignment problem of finding optimum thresholds for axle-based vehicle classifiers. A case study utilizing Oklahoma's axle-based classification stations was conducted in an effort to build, analyze, and verify the proposed solution. An extensive axle-space database with over 20 000 vehicle samples covering all 13 classes of the Federal Highway Administration's Scheme F was constructed. Histograms and Gaussian distribution fitting were individually done per class, per axle spacing, and from data gathered. Optimal class boundary thresholds were computed using the derived distributions, and a new classification algorithm was constructed. Results of field testing concluded that the newly proposed algorithm outperformed the existing one currently installed statewide and used by the other states as well. A significant false detection classification error reduction was achieved at a rate of 43% for class 8, 21% for class 5, 5% for class 6, and a combined reduction of 26% for classes 2 and 3. In addition, a misdetection error reduction of 21% for class 6, 13% for class 5, and a combined reduction of 37% for classes 2 and 3 was noted. A consolidated system error reduction relative to vehicle type was 15% for multiunit trucks of classes 8 to 13, 4% for single-unit trucks of classes 5 to 7, and 57% for passenger vehicles of classes 1 to 4. The process of calibrating the classification scheme was found to be completely transferable, thus could effectively be used to optimize classification algorithms in other states.
  • 机译 综合空域中无人飞行器冲突检测与解决方法分类
    摘要:This paper proposes a taxonomy of conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) approaches for operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in an integrated airspace. Possible approaches for UAVs are surveyed and broken down based on their types of surveillance, coordination, maneuvering, and autonomy. The factors are combined back selectively, with regard to their feasibility for operation in an integrated airspace, into several “generic approaches” that form the CD&R taxonomy. These generic approaches are then attributed to a number of available methods in the literature to determine their position in the overall CD&R scheme. The attribution shows that many proposed methods are actually unsuitable for operation in an integrated airspace. Furthermore, some part of the taxonomy does not have an adequate representative in the literature, suggesting the need to concentrate UAV CD&R research more in those particular parts. Finally, a multilayered CD&R architecture is built from the taxonomy, implementing the concept of defense in depth to ensure safe operation of UAVs in an integrated civil airspace.
  • 机译 通过自动车辆位置数据诊断时间可靠性的离线框架
    摘要:Time reliability problems are unavoidable, owing to the stochastic context in which bus services are operated. Therefore, characterizing their reliability and understanding possible sources of unreliability provides an opportunity to keep buses on schedule and/or maintain planned headways. Measuring time reliability is technologically feasible by automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems, which can collect disaggregated data on the delivered service and disclose information on its performance. This paper proposes the first offline framework applicable to any bus route in order to accurately characterize the bus stops and the time periods in which reliability is insufficient, and to disclose the systematic unreliability sources from collected AVL data and select preventive strategies, accordingly. The framework is tested on the real case study of a bus route, using about 40 000 AVL data records provided by the bus operator CTM in Cagliari, Italy. The experimentation shows that this framework can be adopted by transit managers for accurate reliability analysis.


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