首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics >H-CNN: Spatial Hashing Based CNN for 3D Shape Analysis

H-CNN: Spatial Hashing Based CNN for 3D Shape Analysis


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We present a novel spatial hashing based data structure to facilitate 3D shape analysis using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our method builds hierarchical hash tables for an input model under different resolutions that leverage the sparse occupancy of 3D shape boundary. Based on this data structure, we design two efficient GPU algorithms namely hash2col and col2hash so that the CNN operations like convolution and pooling can be efficiently parallelized. The perfect spatial hashing is employed as our spatial hashing scheme, which is not only free of hash collision but also nearly minimal so that our data structure is almost of the same size as the raw input. Compared with existing 3D CNN methods, our data structure significantly reduces the memory footprint during the CNN training. As the input geometry features are more compactly packed, CNN operations also run faster with our data structure. The experiment shows that, under the same network structure, our method yields comparable or better benchmark results compared with the state-of-the-art while it has only one-third memory consumption when under high resolutions (i.e., 256(3)).
机译:我们介绍了一种基于新的空间散列数据结构,以促进使用卷积神经网络(CNN)的3D形状分析。我们的方法在不同的分辨率下为输入模型构建分层哈希表,该表在利用3D形边界的稀疏占用。基于此数据结构,我们设计了两种高效的GPU算法,即Hash2Col和Col2Hash,以便可以有效地并行化如卷积和池等CNN操作。完美的空间散列作为我们的空间散列方案,不仅是免费的哈希碰撞,而且几乎最小的是,因此我们的数据结构与原始输入的大小几乎是相同的。与现有3D CNN方法相比,我们的数据结构在CNN培训期间显着降低了内存占用。由于输入几何特征更紧凑,CNN操作也使用我们的数据结构更快地运行。实验表明,在相同的网络结构下,与现有技术相比,我们的方法产生了可比或更好的基准结果,而在高分辨率下仅在高分状态下(即256(3)) 。



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