首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics >Point-Based Rendering for Homogeneous Participating Media with Refractive Boundaries

Point-Based Rendering for Homogeneous Participating Media with Refractive Boundaries


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Illumination effects in translucent materials are a combination of several physical phenomena: refraction at the surface, absorption and scattering inside the material. Because refraction can focus light deep inside the material, where it will be scattered, practical illumination simulation inside translucent materials is difficult. In this paper, we present an a Point-Based Global Illumination method for light transport on homogeneous translucent materials with refractive boundaries. We start by placing light samples inside the translucent material and organizing them into a spatial hierarchy. At rendering, we gather light from these samples for each camera ray. We compute separately the sample contributions for single, double and multiple scattering, and add them. We present two implementations of our algorithm: an offline version for high-quality rendering and an interactive GPU implementation. The offline version provides significant speed-ups and reduced memory footprints compared to state-of-the-art algorithms, with no visible impact on quality. The GPU version yields interactive frame rates: 30 fps when moving the viewpoint, 25 fps when editing the light position or the material parameters.
机译:半透明材料的照明效果是多种物理现象的组合:表面的折射,材料内部的吸收和散射。由于折射可以将光聚焦在材料内部的较深处,因此会发生散射,因此很难在半透明材料内部进行实际的照明模拟。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于点的全局照明方法,该方法可以在具有折射边界的均匀半透明材料上进行光传输。我们首先将光样本放置在半透明材料内部,然后将它们组织成一个空间层次。在渲染时,我们从这些样本中收集每个相机射线的光。我们分别计算一次,两次和多次散射的样本贡献,并将其相加。我们介绍了该算法的两种实现:用于高质量渲染的脱机版本和交互式GPU实现。与最新算法相比,脱机版本可显着提高速度并减少内存占用,并且对质量没有明显影响。 GPU版本产生交互式帧速率:移动视点时为30 fps,编辑灯光位置或材质参数时为25 fps。



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