首页> 外文期刊>Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on >An Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Model for Image Segmentation

An Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Model for Image Segmentation


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Centroidal Voronoi tessellations (CVTs) are special Voronoi tessellations whose generators are also the centers of mass (centroids) of the Voronoi regions with respect to a given density function and CVT-based methodologies have been proven to be very useful in many diverse applications in science and engineering. In the context of image processing and its simplest form, CVT-based algorithms reduce to the well-known $k$ -means clustering and are easy to implement. In this paper, we develop an edge-weighted centroidal Voronoi tessellation (EWCVT) model for image segmentation and propose some efficient algorithms for its construction. Our EWCVT model can overcome some deficiencies possessed by the basic CVT model; in particular, the new model appropriately combines the image intensity information together with the length of cluster boundaries, and can handle very sophisticated situations. We demonstrate through extensive examples the efficiency, effectiveness, robustness, and flexibility of the proposed method.
机译:质心Voronoi镶嵌(CVT)是特殊的Voronoi镶嵌,相对于给定的密度函数,其生成器也是Voronoi区域的质心(质心),并且基于CVT的方法已被证明在科学中的许多不同应用中非常有用和工程。在图像处理及其最简单的形式中,基于CVT的算法简化为众所周知的$ k $ -means聚类,并且易于实现。在本文中,我们开发了边缘加权质心Voronoi细分(EWCVT)模型进行图像分割,并提出了一些有效的算法来进行图像分割。我们的EWCVT模型可以克服基本CVT模型所具有的一些不足;特别是,新模型将图像强度信息与群集边界的长度适当地结合在一起,并且可以处理非常复杂的情况。我们通过大量示例来证明所提出方法的效率,有效性,鲁棒性和灵活性。



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