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Atomistic mechanism of hydrogen release in magnesium nanoparticles


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According to Uppsala University Professor Raajev Ahuja, his international research team has demonstrated an atomistic mechanism of hydrogen release in magnesium nanoparticles-a potential hydrogen storage material. The findings were recently published in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). Ahuja says, "It is becoming clear that cars of the future will have to move from using the combination of petrol and a combustion engine in order to combat global warming and potential oil shortages. One of the prime candidate technologies are fuel cells using hydrogen gas as fuel, chiefly because hydrogen is among the most abundant elements on earth and is able of producing energy through chemical reactions with oxygen in the fuel cells releasing only water-an environmentally benign by-product. Storing hydrogen gas in a compact way is, however, still an unsolved problem."
机译:根据乌普萨拉大学教授Raajev Ahuja的说法,他的国际研究团队已经证明了镁纳米颗粒中氢释放的原子机理,而镁纳米颗粒是一种潜在的储氢材料。这些发现最近发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)的在线版上。 Ahuja说:“越来越明显的是,未来的汽车将不得不从使用汽油和内燃机的组合中摆脱出来,以应对全球变暖和潜在的石油短缺。最主要的候选技术之一是使用氢气的燃料电池作为燃料,主要是因为氢是地球上最丰富的元素之一,并且能够通过与燃料电池中的氧发生化学反应产生能量,从而仅释放水(一种对环境有益的副产品),但是以紧凑的方式存储氢气,仍然是一个未解决的问题。”



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